Chapter 5-Lady Impa and My Destiny

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It had be four long, outrageously boring days of travel. We had passed the Dueling Peaks stable and I had hoped to get a horse there.

Unfortunately, after thirty-two and a half attempts at catching a horse, four meltdowns, and more than a couple snack breaks, I still hadn't caught one.

As we rode away on our one horse, I screamed at the the herd of horses near the path, "why won't you let me love you?!"

My begging only led to horses galloping away from us, startled.

I could see the slight shake emitting from Link in front of me, realizing the boy was silently laughing.

I wacked him on the back of the head. "It's"—wack—"not"—wack—"funny!"—wack, wack, wack.

"Ouch, okay fine!" Link growled, rubbing the back of his head.

"Sorry." I added sheepishly. "Maybe I hit you a little hard?"

"Wow, really?" He replied sarcastically.

"Sorry, sheesh..."

Link turned his head around, meeting my (e/c) eyes, a mischievous glimmer in his own blue ones. Immediately I dreaded what he was going to say next. There's no way it could be good. "You know, (y/n), I have a way you could make it up to me..." cue the puppy-dog eyes, everyone.

"What?" I arched my eyebrow.

"...make me lunch." He whispered dramatically. When it came to food, he was an always hungry, dramatic little kid.

I rolled my eyes. "Fine. But I need more mushrooms. Mind going to find me some? I'll have to use the last of my stock to make you lunch."

Link nodded vigorously. He reminded me of me when I was really little and mother sent me on a quest around Hateno to find one ingredient. It was the most important job, she always said.

I worked to build a fire and get the mushrooms cooking on two long twigs I'd found.

Link, like he was called by the smell of cooked food, came back exactly as I took the mushrooms off the fire.

He ran up to me and grabbed one of the skewers from my hand, rushing out a quick thank you. While he was eating, I felt like it was a good time to mention something that had been on my mind since the beginning of the trip. "Hey, Link?" I started.

I took his responding "hmm" as a continue. So I plowed ahead, a little anxious what he would think. "So we've been cooking—well, no, I've been cooking using leaves and sticks as plates and utensils and, well...I was wondering if maybe we could find a village that sells actually dishes and such?"

I was worried about his response and he could tell. When he did answer, he didn't talk. Instead, he laughed.

"Were you really worried about whether we could stop and get some plates?! Honestly, (y/n), you're a little strange sometimes. Of course we need those things! Sure those big leaves you use add some flavor...but they get all soggy too."

I sighed in relief, feeling blood rush up to my pointed ears. "S-sorry, I just d-didn't know if you w-would want to stop for s-such a trivial th-thing..."

He laughed harder. "(Y/n), of course we have time to spend a couple minutes in a store to get you some things! Especially if it will heighten my gourmet eating experiences." He added in a very posh voice.

Now I was laughing with him.

That was out of the way, and asking him really got it off my plate. No pun intended.

What was supposed to originally be a short lunch break lead into an afternoon of lazing around and talking about anything and everything.

I told him about life in Hateno, even though all my stories were rather boring. He still seemed enthralled even during the dullest parts.

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