My Big Fluffy Bunny

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Rain and thunder roared outside, pounding on the rooftop of your sweet little boxy home.
Your pillows were dry, though, with your face nuzzled deep into Springtraps chest on your bed. He was warm, your face being hugged by his fluff which also soaked up your tears. Convenient.

"Darling... I need to get up eventually. " Springtrap mumbled with a raspy voice, one you'd hear from someone after they haven't spoken for a while.
You groaned quietly, eyes glued shut. You were on the verge of falling asleep. Your mind was awfully fuzzy and swollen feeling, your hands feel puffy and your feet sore. You felt sick, too, like you had a cold.

"Y/N, I really don't like sitting on the floor like this. " Springtrap said more sternly. He insisted you got up but you growled back, digging your hands deeper into his suit, making sure your nails clawed into the seams.

He let out a sigh, hands still wrapped around your small body. His paws were easily the size of your head, so having him place one there exactly was unnerving but comforting. You felt safe in the arms of a scary robot, who would want to hurt you like this?

"Let's make a deal, love. " Springtrap hugged you tighter and you felt him shift, getting up from under you. You let out a gasp of disappointment and clung to him, hoping it would deter the beast from moving any more. But he kept going, however making sure to keep a firm grasp on your figure as he thumped his way down the narrow hallway.

He bumped walls and even your bunny lamp, again. You were too sad to care right now, though.

"Okay, " He sighed, stopping in front of your bed.



"No." You barked, beginning to shake, arms tired as they struggled to hold on any longer.
Luckily, Springtrap gave in and grumbled to your deaf ears, turning himself whilst gears clicked before sitting down on the mattress. He waited for you to then remove yourself, but you didn't. No way.

He seemed unbelievably impatient now, you could hear little grunts and huffs as he tried to hold in the need to toss you off. You almost let go just for that reason but you remained stubborn. Springtrap was soon swayed by your persistence and rolled himself onto the bed, now laying down on his back.

Pleased, you let go.

He groaned, twisting to sit up, probably going to leave.

"No." You glared, snatching a clump of fur and squeezing it. Could he feel that?

"Hey, don't rip it! " He whined. It seemed he didn't feel it as so much of him feeling the need to protect his looks. What an odd soul. "What do you want? "

You suddenly felt... Guilty. Did he not embrace you earlier or did you assume and rush into his arms...? You frowned and avoided his eyes. "Nothing, sorry. " You muttered.

It was quiet for a minute.

"Why don't you tell me about it? " Springtrap finally said softly, his husky voice inviting you back into his arms. You hesitantly smiled and scooted close to the new stuffed animal in your bed.

"About what? "

"The date, if you don't mind. " Springtrap said, his tone sounded invested already. You smiled trying to rethink the night for a good story.

You snuggled close, the two of you laying in your bed. He was flat on his back while you were on your side, facing him, his left arm open for you to lay in its walls. He rubbed your back slowly as he stared at the boring ceiling. You dragged your fingers down his torso in thought.

"So, Henry and I talked about work, then we went to dinner and he kind of just... Talked and talked and talked andddddddd I paid for dinner because I feel like since he was apparently so stressed that I should just pay, " You began to get into it, using your hand now as you talked. "And then we watched a movie which I wanted to see, but him being there ruined it, and he was noisy. Like his laughing was so annoying. " Springtrap looked down at you, amused.

"And what did he do that made you cry, darling? " He asked, almost too quickly for your liking. You frowned and looked away, staring at the bathroom.

"He yelled at me about you and I just... I missed you, Will. " You muttered softly, face pressed against his torso, tucked between his chest and his arm right in the crook.

"I... I missed you too. " He whispered. You heard him sigh.

"What's wrong? "

"Nothing." Springtrap grumbled. "Nothing at all, rest your head. " He seemed mad.

You poked him curiously, nudging him after.

"Y/N- just stop. " He hissed suddenly. You jerked, surprised. He seemed so loving just a minute ago, why is he upset? Springtrap was clearly holding something back and it ate at you.

You and him laid there for a while, your body being warmed by whatever heat he produced.
But you eventually grew sleepy, too.

"Springtrap? " You murmured with a yawn, wiggling around.

"Yes? " He buzzed, sounding distracted.

"I'm tired. "

"Go to bed, darling. I want you to rest. " He said, a paw rubbing your head softly. You hummed. You wanted to pick at every lite thing your curious brain thought of but... Sleep.

You yawned again and felt him pull a blanket over you, his nose pressing against your forehead, then your cheek. It was cold and you gasped softly.

"Oh... " You whispered, lifting your head to actually face him in the dark room, lit by white moonlight. "What was that?"
He grunted, then coughed...?

"Just a kiss, I guess, like how your mum would. " He was quiet. "Never mind, go to sleep, girly. " He growled, annoyed it seemed. You frowned, grabbing his fur like you had reached for a dog or something. Springtrap turned back to you, his head clicking with every move so quietly. His eyes illuminated your face and you had to squint for a moment to adjust as before his eyes were closed.

Once adjusted you paused, but pulled him in with your hand, rubbing his soft cheek. Springtrap was fluffy, you almost feel like you're petting a genuine animal. You almost wish you were.

"Y/N? " Springtrap questioned, the accent coming out again from his tone. You blushed. You miss the sound of his voice, it's often disturbed by the voice box. "Go to sleep, won't you? " He bugged.

You moaned sleepily, muttering a no. Then, hands pulling him in, you pressed your lips against his chilly nose, giving you shivers at first. It was rubbery and rather new since it was something you replaced because his other one was almost rock hard.

"Goodnight William. " You mumbled in a weak whisper, letting him go gently and laying into the sheets with another silent yawn.

He watched you for a couple minutes in shocked silence until you complained, then he moved away. Where to you don't know, you were busy drifting off.

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