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You wake up, groaning. Your alarm was blaring, giving you a fresh morning headache while simultaneously letting you know you're late for work.
You roll off the mattress and flop onto the floor, using the slam of pain against your side as a good wake up. Quickly, you grab fresh clothes and waddle to the bathroom to get dressed and throw on a little make-up before rushing out the door, keys and wallet in hand.

You forgot to turn off the alarm, though.

The car door crashes as you get in from closing it so hard, the engine roaring the second you slipped the key in. You sigh, hoping to beat traffic.
You take off whilst the vehicle hums and vibrates with you inside, taking you as fast as possible to the location you worked. Your eyes burned from the shitty morning but determination crossed you, taking you firmly by the hand and guiding you through the pain and exhaustion.

Finally, you've arrived.

You pop out of the hot car and grab your bag still in the backseat, walking in with a crinkled purple uniform shirt and probably week old black dress pants to match your black shoes -- surprisingly clean and well kept.
You stop at the front doors and slide your ID card across the box, listening to the robotic ding-ding it gave you.

You walked in, barely glancing at the welcome sign that read; 'Freddy Fazbears'.

You wander inside as the sun sat below the horizon already, dark; now beginning your shift as the night guard. Goodie...

You stare at the toy robots on stage, honestly missing the old ones more than anything. They were your childhood, and now they look too shiny and... Almost too feminine. Though you suppose you like Bonnie. His floppy robotic ears make you smile and he has such a cute face. Something about his bunny persona really makes you happy.

You then move on, walking to your office with no doors -- a wonderful, definitely not annoying honorable mention about your office. You sit down in the swirly chair, worn in from the two months of you working here. You settle in and pull out your charger from the duffle bag, plugging it in quickly knowing you forgot to do it when you got home that morning. You yawn, biting the inside of your mouth. You shudder... It was kind of cold tonight.

Its usually pretty warm since the cold makes the animatronics a bit... Creaky.
You look around, searching for rogue vents as you brush your h/c hair behind your ear. Nothing. Not a single one the cause of this chill.

Then what could it be...?

You decide, to save yourself the pain of freezing uncomfortably for six hours, to look around. There must be a window open, or maybe someone turned the A/C on in one of the other offices -- with actual doors.

You shuffle around down the halls, your footsteps echoing. Something was dripping, too, but that wasn't new. Definitely irritating to clean up though... You hope it's not nearby the stage again. But when you walked by, it wasn't. You frowned, knowing you'll have to find the leak soon before your shift truly starts. You weren't late, even though you woke up late. It was quite the luxury to set your alarm way ahead of time and normally... normally it saves you.

You ponder some goofy thoughts to yourself while you walk around, still searching for that draft. Then you walk down the hallway to parts and services, hoping it'll be down this hall. You turn every corner until you're really forced to enter the room you constantly dread.

You walk towards the black door leading to 'parts and service', it's heavy body and cold touch giving you chills. You pull it open as it was agape, though it shouldn't be. You coughed at the smell of rot, stepping inside with your flash light pointed at the black and white tile floor. It was dirty, stained even. Do they clean back here??

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