A deal

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You crawled closer to the rabbit, staring at it before hovering your warm flashlight above it again. It's eyes stared at you, shifting between your own eyes, like a human would. You gasped, grabbing your mouth to hide your scream.

In the silence, you heard movement outside this little room, your heart stopping.

They've begun to move... Now you won't be able to get out of here and worse, you're stuck with... This thing. Another one of them.

You whimper, sighing with depressing disappointment. You glance back at the robot, it still stared, glued to you.

"Are you... Real? " You asked, almost hopeful you won't be alone tonight.

"Oh... " It croaked before taking in a deep breath. "Very." The animatronic said with it's haggled voice. You could almost hear a bit of the machines voice box mixed in with the raspy tone, as if the human in it was forced to speak with the robot. It's... Kind of interesting.

"Are you going to hurt me, like them? " You pointed to the small door you crawled through briefly, luckily too small for the others to fit through.

The robots head tinkered, it's years clicking as it shakes it's head at you so very slowly. It seems... Rusted.

You shuddered for a moment, mildly uncomfortable but ultimately interested.

"Well... Alright. " You sighed, taking this all in fast. "What's wrong with you? Is your endoskeleton rusted or maybe your wires are disconnected? "

The thing let out a hum almost, like a person would, someone who was deep in thought.

"I've... Sat so long. " It muttered. "The... ropes around my torso won't budge. " It stated. You frowned. You aren't familiar with ropes inside an animatronic, especially one like this. But perhaps as it is different - the fur - the ropes were something they used with this model too.

You shrugged and shuffled over, leaning in since it was too large to need to lean down. You rubbed the soft fluff, oddly comforting you as you slid your hand between it's chest piece and it's lower half.


It directed you, your hand rubbing against really oddly feeling textures. It felt rubbery and almost stretchy but too dry and crusted to be. What kind of rope is rubbery?

You pulled around until something ripped, banging your hand against a metal piece and slicing it. You groaned, falling against the robot and grumbling with pain. You felt the warm fresh blood trickle down your palm and you very slowly pulled your hand away, looking at it in the white beam your flashlight gave.

It wasn't terrible, but it wasn't a small cut. That sucks, and you're stuck here. Wonderful.

The robot shifted, a light chuckle leaving it. You froze and rolled your eyes to look at it. The thing sat up, it's gears loudly creaking and screaming from apparent age. It's odd, because apart from minor damages and the stains, it seemed in well condition.

"You're squeaky. " You said, gulping. It was about as tall as Freddy, you could tell by it sitting, which intimidated you.

"I am... " It mumbled.

"I can... Fix you up, you know? " You said softly, looking for it's eyes to face you as it was staring into the void in probable thought. "But Id like to... Talk. "

The thing turned it's head to you, squealing loudly. You cringed.

"Curious, aren't you?" It hoarsely chuckled. "What do you want to know? "

It seemed to be talking a little better now, but the voice box was still painfully ruined, clearly. But you'll deal with it... For now.

"What... Are you? " You mumbled, pausing. "I-I mean, the others come alive at night and I have no idea why but you... You don't attack me, you talk, you actually sound like a man, too. Are you a man? "

It stared at you, its mouth agape like Freddy's as well, or Bonnie's but with the face attached. It had the same teeth all set perfectly in a row, it's face owning some tears with small wires poking out from the eye socket. You looked at the emotionless thing and waited.

It was quiet for a long time.

"I am... A man. " It coughed softly, concerning you. "I used to be... I'm stuck in this thing. " He muttered. "What year is it?"

"1987. " You hummed in response.

"Almost... Five years. " A sigh left him, but it glitched mechanically. "Damn it all. " He growled.

"I can fix you, like I said. So then I guess it won't be so unbearable? " You waited, the eyes clicking to you, then down, then to you. "I can sew your suit, I know the gears and I'm sure I can get familiar with your model, too. " You said, kind of proudly.

The robot nodded slowly, it's head making a loud, long creak during one of the down motions before falling an extra two inches that it should. It thumped and you jumped a little, but it was fine.

"When? "

You frowned. You have off tomorrow, so it could work... But you usually sleep on your off days, especially now... You'll need it.

Tonight would work, but how will you get to the repair room? That has everything you need but it's by the offices in the main party room.

"I... Don't know... I'm busy mostly and tonight I'm stuck in a rock and a hard place. " He groaned, irritated already.

"What's wrong with tonight? "

"They're moving, I can barely sit in my office when they move but walk around the pizzeria? " You sighed. "I'm trapped here until six."

"Quit being weak, Ill help you. "

"Oh, and how? " You question, almost laughing at how a disabled robot will save you from other murderous robots.

"You don't think I can run? " He laughed at you, his laugh more of a cackle though, cold and raspy. You tensed, waiting for it to end. "You'll get on my back and lead me, then you'll fix me. "

You weren't sure... This seemed too one sided and awfully dangerous. Plus you're tired and rarely good with directions.

But... You wanted to know more about his model, your curiosity lead to this after all.

You shrugged. "And what do I get in return? This is a lot of time and labor you're making me do, bunny. " You argued stiffly. He hummed.

"Bunny?" He didn't like that name, it seemed. "Oh, girly. You can call me William. " The robot stated, teasing you. You glared at it's cold eyes and it glared back... Somehow.

"William... Okay. Well what do I get, huh? William? "

"Needy, aren't you? " Will grumbled. "Why not a big fluffy robot to keep you company? "

You felt disgusted at the idea, already having to work five days a week here, every week, was too much. Not to mention taking one home? No thanks.

"Nuh-uh, no. I do not need more fucking robots in my life. " You hissed.

"But I'm different... I can bake you cookies or... be your big fluffy bunny."

Oh... cookies... Well, that sounds nice. A robot to do the chores for you while you sleep? Maybe... Maybe that's a good idea. A big fluffy baking bunny, how's about that?

However you are really sleep deprived and depressed so making this decision right now might not be a good idea.


"Uhm... Alright. " You buzzed, brushing your hair back. "Deal, I guess. "

"Deals a deal, girly. " He said almost threateningly. You narrowed your look at him, staring William down but not getting a response.

Oh well.

Time to do this... Right? You've never wandered the workplace during your shift before... You wont die, right?

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