6. Round 3 part 1: The horsemen

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They spread like a disease. Of course they did; they are good at multiplying.

And what did we people do?

We avoided it like a plague; defying government safety orders, denying a world problem is at hand, and yet have the audacity to be surprised when we are faced by reality.

Faced by Death himself.

He was the one who closely followed the others.

First, it was War, who had not left since humanity marked their territory, always lurking in the shadows. But when the new world war happened, he was the first one to ride into battle. Death? He was behind all the troops, reaping all the souls that died in battle.

Then came Pestilence, who thought he got us in 2020, yet we persisted. So he made a new creation. One that was not so easily manageable with vaccinations. One that Death would be happy with, for certain.

It became the perfect little murder machine. Cute, fluffy. No one suspected a thing. And the people who still refuse to believe what those monsters are capable of, have not yet stared right into the eyes of a rabbit.

And it is not the bloodthirst that scares me.

It is the confliction, the anguish. The anxious animal is still in there, having front-row seats to the mass murder they cause.


For a few seconds, I hold my breath.

I thought none of them would be here. There is nothing to eat here.
No vegetation.

And thus, no humans.

Silently, my eyes scan the area.

There is no movement. No sign of life.

The lack of sleep must finally be getting to me.

The closer I get to the coördinates sent by my mate John, the more sweat drips down over my body.

The sun is scorching. No wonder nothing grows here. I guess the rumours of Famine making his appearances are true. I don't know why I am surprised, even.

The ghost town I stumble into has no shadow for me to cover. Or any kind of cover, for that matter. I glance over all the buildings.

There is more than enough cover for them.

My navigation system tells me it is not far anymore. I'm both relieved and concerned. Because as I follow my navigation system, the more definite it becomes that I have to find him in a building. A building full of unknown enemies and traps.

Only a few meters are left when the silhouette of a lone-standing house overshadows me. The smells in this village is pungent. It is sour, too sour, and makes my stomach turn. The door I open carefully, although with a loud, miserable squeak, and a wave of the same smell, but much more present, hits my face.

With difficulty, I manage not to empty my stomach.

Slowly, with my nose and mouth covered, I make my entry. The place is surprisingly empty. No decorations. Furniture missing. It feels wrong.

All the alarms in my head are going off. But I can't leave. I need to know if he is here. If he is alive.

At least this first room is cleared. It is the biggest, probably, as well. No sign of life, neither friend nor foe. I make my way to the next door. My footsteps echo in the room, as silent as I try to be.

When I open the door to the next room, I can hear the faintest hint of a song, and someone humming. With enough concentration, I can make out the words.

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