7. Round 3 part 2: An old Friend

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"Francis, my friend, would you do me the honou-"


"Excuse me?"


"Forgive me, my friend, but I had not even finished my request".

"Correct. But you see Berthelemy, whenever you have one of those, as I would call, preposterous requests, you always seem to start with 'Francis, my friend', rather than either of them."

"I promise that this time, it will not be such a request. For although I am one of the greatest swordsmen in the King's musketeer guard, my prime is far behind me, of which His Highness is quite aware."

"Ah, so His Royal Highness is sending you on another fetching quest." 

"It is him who has indeed inquired me to collect some of his men."

"I see, however, my answer still remains unchanged." 

"Is it because of-?"

"Yes, I am a father now. My responsibilities and priorities lie elsewhere. I refuse to risk my son becoming an orphan. So yes, Louis XIII can pleasure himself with someone else while I present him a one-fingered salute."

"Don't say such uncivilized words about His Majesty! If someone hears this you'll be hanged for treason!"

"I'll be executed anyway if they find out about my existence. I have served him more than any other of my kind ever would. Besides, that ragged disguise was getting old. I am quite suprised no one found out I was not a mere horse."

"So it is then. I will be on my way then. It was good speaking you again".

"Likewise, my friend. I hope to hear about all your adventures when you will return. But please halt for a moment. Take my servant with you, he will have your back like I used to back in our day".

"I don't think anyone will truly have my back as you used to, Francis."

"Berthelemy, please, stop flattering me. It is the least I can do. Besides, I think an actual horse might be of far better use than I, amalgamation of both man and horse, would be."

"Perhaps, but it will not offer the same companionship we shared."

"Hah, now go, Berthelemy. Before His Highness starts to get impatient."

"We'll talk soon, my friend."

"We better do. My son wants to know the gentlemen who had me dress as a noble steed."

"Aha, tell him I will give him all the anecdotes his little heart desire as soon as I return."

 "I will. And if you happen to come across Lieutenant d'Artagnan, give him my regards"

"Heh, of course!"

Word count: 420 (Mobile app)

I think it would be impossible for me to write historical fiction and not even mention once the Musketeers. So yes,  I tried to give this dialog the same feel as Dumas's (and failed in the process). 

Will look forward to reading the other entries when I am taking a break from school.

Edge of TomorrowOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora