Chapter 1

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The chatter of fluttering birds that perched on dainty branches awoke me. I glanced at my window watching them in a peaceful silence before letting out a sigh.

"School's starting in a few hours,"  I muttered to myself before rushing to the bathroom.

Heading to my closet, I skimmed through my outfits and quickly found a suitable one.

When my phone buzzed, I picked it up and found a recent text from Lila, who, along with her brother had been my friends since we were young.They had always been by my side, and we had been through a lot together. Lila had beautiful ocean eyes paired with her soft blonde locks.

"Morning, Kay. I need some help with an outfit."

"Morning, okay let's video chat.

"Hey Kay"


"So let's take a look at your wardrobe"

She shuffled with the camera before the screen shows her closet.

Taking a green crop top and some baggy sweats saying;

"This would be cute but I kinda want to go for classy too."

One of Lila's 'best qualities' is her indecisiveness.

"It's cute, but let's see something else. How bout those?"

She asked, pointing to a black crop top and skirt in front of her.

"I'll try it on." She said before dashing into the bathroom, reappearing a moment later, her hair pulled into a bun and the outfit flattering her figure.

"You could pair the outfit with black boots?"
I suggested.

"Thanks, you're a life saver."

"No problem, see you at school."

"See you Kay."

After hanging up I get dressed, taking a peek at my reflection. My forest green orbs stared back at me sparkling with a vibrant  emerald hue, radiating intelligence and curiosity. Whilst my lashes boast of a nature length and thickness, enhancing the allure and intensity of my gaze as my brown locks fall down my shoulders reaching my waist.

Intending to help with a few things around the house before leaving for school.

Finding mum in the kitchen by the stove preparing breakfast, I took out some vegetables from the fridge and start chopping them.

"Morning mum,"

"Morning dear,"

"How was your night?."

"It was okay,"

"The hospital?"

"We had multiple admissions come in right before I clocked off."

Rebecca White was a registered nurse and full-time single mum to me, so I can barely guess how hard she works and will continue to until I'm able to support the family, since dad won't be returning anytime soon.

"That must have been hectic for the others," I commented.


"Aren't you supposed to be in bed?."


"You've been on a forty-eight hour shift ma."

"I'll take it from here." I stated, shooing her out of the kitchen.

I spent the next few minutes getting the food ready, packing up lunch for myself and preparing a plate for mum. With a knock on the door, I walk in to find mum on her laptop.

KAYLA ROSE [UNDER EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now