Chapter 17

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Fiona's POV

It was my first day at school after a while now, sweat beads form on my face as we got closer.

A cough escapes my lungs, in hurry I pull another one of my pills gulping it down with some water.

I could see the stress lines etched on my parents' faces, it has been a long and stressful few weeks for us all. Thinking back to all that has happened in the past weeks, I couldn't help but feel guilty for their struggles.

"Faye, are you okay back there?"

Mum's soothing voice echoed as she gazed at me through the rear mirror.


At my reply, her eyes yet remain on me.

"I'm okay mum." I whispered with a small smile.

Soon we arrived at school, I carefully make my way into the building. I'm instantly drowned by the sea of students brushing past me, with small steps I'm able to the middle finding Kayla giggling at whatever was said in her conversation with her friends.

Her eyes drift towards me, her laugh comes to halt as she stares for a while. The change in her expression alerts Luca and Lila making the two aware of my presence.

She took slow but steady steps towards me and soon enough she was within arm length.

"Hey." she whispered.


Silence settled in for some seconds.

"How are you doing?" she questions.

"I'm thriving."



The twins walked over, "Hey Fiona how are you doing?" Luca inquired with a smile.

"I'm good, I-

Kayla cuts in,"Where have you been? You simply disappeared for some weeks now why?"

"Why are you sounding like you care so much?" I questioned, as a teasing smile made its way to my face.

"Because we were supposed to work on a project together and the presentation is due soon, I had to work on it alone,"

"Oh really?"

"Yeah," she whispered.

"Well I was down with a fever, it was really bad that's the reason I haven't been at school."

As I finish my sentence, a cough erupts within my lungs urging me to take a few steps back from them.

"Are you okay?" they probed in unison.

"Yeah I am."

Kayla extends her hand out to check my temperature, but I take few more steps back. Somehow though, her hand touches my forehead.

"You're burning up. Are you certain you're fine?"

"Trust me I am."

"And sorry for being so insensitive, I just-

"It's fine, you had no idea. It's okay." I answered reassuring her.

"Still I'm sorry, will you be coming over?" she asked.

"I'll try."

"I'll see you later then." she replied walking off with her friends.

With a careful attempt, I slowly found my way to class. At my arrival, the class stopped its chatter everyone's eyes trained on me. I ignored the stares and whispers that erupted as I made my to the back of class.

KAYLA ROSE [UNDER EDITING]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant