"You'll get sunburned like that! I told you to put on sunscreen but you never listen to me!" Jay complained as (y/n) looked up at him from where he was cozily laying on a beach towel.

"I do listen, I just forget." Jay was really starting to get annoyed by (y/n), so he walked over to the shore line, cupped some water in his hand, then made his way back to the unsuspecting (y/n), before splashing him with water.

"Aaah!" (y/n) sprung up as Jay huffed again.

"Well, you're up now, so let's go swim. And don't you dare sulk, you brought this upon yourself." Jay said as (y/n) groaned and finally let Jay drag him to the water. Jay didn't go too far though, only to a point where the water reached his chest. He was embarrassed to say it, but he was too anxious to go to deep waters alone, so he waited for (y/n) to follow him.

Jay turned around to look at (y/n), but to his surprise, the (h/c) haired boy was not anywhere around him. Jay furrowed his brows, a hundred percent sure (y/n) had sneaked back to his towel to lay in the sun and doom himself to sunburn. But as Jay headed towards the beach again, two hands snaked up behind him and picked him up before throwing him back into the water with a splash.

"(y/n)! Jay shouted as he resurfaced from under the water. (y/n), laughed at the completely drenched Jay before swimming closer to him.

"Sorry, sorry, I'll make it up to you later." (y/n) apologized as he swam close to Jay, definitely invaded the others personal space, but Jay did mind.

"And how are you gonna do that?" Jay asked and whipped his head away from (y/n), as if he was really mad at him.

"Anything! I've already promised you countless of things, so one more won't hurt." (y/n) quickly said and wrapped his arms around Jay under the water, so no one would notice.

"Yeah? But whatever happened to concentrating more in school last year? You promised, remember?" Jay said, referring to an old promise (y/n) had made a long time ago.

"Well, one promise might have been broken." (y/n) added a little awkwardly as Jay sighed.

"And most of your promises haven't been fulfilled yet. You're always going on and on about 'when I turn eighteen I promise this, when you turn eighteen I promise that.'" But this time (y/n) started laughing as Jay raised an eyebrow.

"That's 'cause the year we both turn eighteen, will be the best year ever."

"How so?" Jay asked, genuinely curious, as (y/n) let the most mischievous smirk appear on his face. Without caring if others were nearby or not, (y/n) scooped Jay up into his arms.

"Since we're adults, we can finally decide things for ourselves! We can move into a cozy apartment in Ninjago City together, get married, adopt us a child and start a family! You'll get a job as an inventor like you've always wanted and I'll get some boring job to balance it out. We'll take care of the kid from Monday to Friday and have some adults-only fun on weekends. Just the two of us." Jay felt his face burn as (y/n) went on and on about their future.

"Don't start making decisions without me already! What if I don't want to adopt a child?" Jay asked (y/n), who only seemed happier. The two were just kids, having fun and playing around, but together they could have adults conversations unimportant to them at their age.

"Fine with me, we'll have more time to ourselves." (y/n) said, smiling brightly he finished speaking. Jay then huffed again, before bringing his face closer to (y/n)'s.

"Then promise me one thing." Jay said as (y/n) nodded.


"Stay with me forever." Jay said, as (y/n) slowly set him back down fully into the water.

Childhood love lost at sea (Ninjago x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now