three | memory box

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The water bottle in his hand caught his attention, and he lifted his gaze to look at the ring in the middle of the gym where Lia stood, watching him.

He could feel her uneasiness. She's never seen him lose control like he had a few minutes ago. She knew he could fight. And in her little wild brain of hers, she wasn't afraid of him. But now there was another side of Asa. One she had never witnessed before.

"Come here, little nugget." He called her as he walked towards the ring. He patted the tatami, indicating for her to sit.
She quickly hopped toward him and slid through the ropes. She sat on the floor in front of him (which was four steps higher than the actual gym floor), and she gave him her biggest smile. Teeth and all.

He couldn't resist and smiled back at her.
"I'm proud of you." He said as he took off her helmet.

The rest of the members in the gym either continued with what they were doing or left.

"Did you see how high my sidekick went?" Lia said, panting slightly. For a six-year-old, she had one hell of stamina.

"I did! It almost went over my hip." He handed her her water bottle after he fixed her crazy hair.

"I need to tell you something." Asa started. Trying to hide his sadness and anger.

Her big eyes looked up at him. Even sitting four steps off the floor, he still towered over her.

"Is it a secret? Oh, I want a secret. Tell me a secret. A can keep a sec-"
"It's not a secret little nugget... um u- in a few days a lady will come here and she will take you to live in a different house."
"But I want to stay with you."
"I know, love. I want you to stay too, but you can't, not here."

Lia's eyes were immediately filled with tears.
"But but you promised." She whispered. She didn't want to yell in case she got punished. Like before. Before Asa found her.

He was just another person in her life who would leave and forget her.

"I know, love." He tried to wipe her tears, but she flinched. She hadn't flinched from his touch since that night two months ago.

His heart broke as the child in front of him was breaking too.
"Lia, look at me, little nugget." Her little arms hugged her small body, and she shook her head.

"Come on, let me see those beautiful eyes of yours."
She sniffed, but she looked up at him. Her eyes were red, with tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Oh, love. Did you think I would leave you?" His voice came out soft
She nodded.

"I wouldn't dare little nugget. But this nice lady will come and take you to a house with other kids too." He said as he wiped the tears from her right cheek. "You will make so many friends, and I will always be here. And the house isn't even that far. I will come visit you whenever you want and we will continue with our training." He wiped her left cheek. "I wouldn't want someone to steal my best fighter, would I?" He said jokingly as he booped her nose. Making her laugh and giggle.

"Will it have toys?" She whispered.
"Many, many toys."

Life was cruel and never kind.

age 7

She ran like her life depended on it. And it did. That cruel woman who was fostering her decided it would be okay to sell her, but she managed to escape through the back window, and now she ran for her life. Every day in that damn house was a nightmare. One, she tried to escape multiple times but failed and paid for it. But she wouldn't fail now. She'd run as fast as her little legs would carry her. Street after street. Block after block. The footsteps chasing after her and the profanities being thrown at her disappeared, but she didn't stop. She couldn't.

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