"Look at this, Kiraz. One is shining and the other is not."

"But it's a rock."

"That's what I'm telling you. The moon is also a rock just like the rock of the earth, with just the differences that it's shinning with the helps of stars, sun." I pause, watching her getting mesmerized in my words. "Just like that, when your eyes shine on this ordinary rock, it also glistens just that the light is for only your soul to see. There's beauty in ordinary things, Kiraz. If only we see, we will be finding moon in every rock."

The morning comes with its fucking nuisance of harsh rays, throwing the highlights of how I've a new issue of a gang to handle.

I button the shirt, folding the collar.

"Off to work." Kiraz puts the tray of my black tea on the table, walking towards me.

"Yess I've some work at the factory side." I kiss the side of her cheeks, then taking her lips in me, devouring my sweet time, while my fingers played on her exposed waist. When the oxygen lacks her, I leave her lips, with a small caress on the lower one.

With a final kiss on her forehead, I tuck a strand of her hair behind her ear.

"Come quickly. I've something to discuss with you."

"Tell me now." I take my watch, clasping it against my wrist. She opens her mouth, but closes it.

After few second nibbling on her swollen lips, she says, "You come back. Then, we will talk."

"As you say my lady."

Spending some minutes with her, I left the house, both my brothers waiting for me in the front porch.

"What's the status?" I aver, as soon as I keep my foot, away from any listening ears, except us three.

"Our warehouse, the one near the farm, was under attack, and some of our men were injured, but nothing much damage to our goods." I nod at Vedansh.

"Are they shifted to our hospital?"

"Yess, and instead of some fracture and a bullet on their stomach, nothing vital."

"Let have a check there."

I get down in my mustang, igniting the engine and driving straight to the warehouse where the things went down last night. It's Vishal who ringed me at three am, informing me some people, attacked the warehouse. Attacks are normal, but the warehouse was new, and I made sure not a word gets out about it in the mafia world. As the drugs were costly.

I park my car, Vishal on locating me, comes hot on his tail. I walk inside, with him beside me.

"Any trace?" I question him.

"The progress is going on. The bastards are too thick in their skin, that they're adamant on not spilling their coward master." He reports.

"Then what are you waiting for? Bring their weakness out, and hit right on their guts that they are forced to say the name." I bark, taking the note of my rushing man, busied themselves in transporting the good, in another basement. Since this one is not safe, anymore. One attack can't guarantee that there'll be none, to look forward for. And nor it provides the suitable situation, to transport my drugs to other location.

"How many more carts are left?"

"This is the final truck send for the shipment." I watch the last truck, going out, leaving only me and Vishal in the area. I ordered both Vedant and Vehansh to follow the truck, lest not to have a tail on it.

So, I decide to transport it as soon as possible to the purchaser. I don't want to encore a loss when the mafia elections are round the corner. Mafia election happens every alternate of five years, where the most powerful and standing out is elected. The last five years I's the owner to the throne. Rathore have always been the rightful owner since the past decades, but before me, the Malhotra's took over it. They ruled for fifteen years, later when I snatched the crown.

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