Chapter VII: Heartstrings and Mistakes

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–Keith's breaths came in ragged gasps as he sprinted back to the cave, his anger still burning like a fever within him. He needed to cool off, to regain control over his Galra transformation before facing Lance. The night sky stretched above him, a vast canvas adorned with countless stars, their distant glimmers reflecting in his golden eyes. As he approached the cave, the planet's tremors grew more pronounced, sending pieces of the surface hurtling into the distance. The ground shooked beneath his feet, but Keith paid it no attention, his focus on calming the Galra features that clung to him like a second skin.

–"Damn it." Keith muttered, his frustration mounting as his efforts to suppress the transformation didn't work. His body remained entirely purple, his ears pointed and his tail swishing behind him. He knew that showing himself to Lance like this would only make matters worse. Silently, Keith crept toward the cave, his steps light and cautious, not wanting to disturb the Paladin. He had intended to spend the night in the Black Lion's cockpit, away from Lance's furry, because who knows what would happen that night?

–But when he reached the cave's entrance and peered inside, all thoughts of solitude fled from his mind. The cave was empty, devoid of Lance's presence. Panic battled at Keith's insides, and he called out, "Lance?" There was no answer, and Keith's voice took on a note of desperation. "Lance?!" He darted into the cave, searching every nook and cranny with his enhanced Galran senses, but Lance was nowhere to be found. His heart pounded in his chest as he rushed back to the Lion, searching everywhere for Lance, but still, there was no sign of him.

–Panic turned to dread as Keith emerged from the Lion, his eyes scanning the area frantically. It was then that he spotted him, lying motionless under the river's surface. Keith's heart leaped into his throat, and he sprinted toward Lance, his Galra features forgotten in his haste. "Lance!" He cried, running into the water and pulling him out. His fingers shook as he checked for signs of life, relief flooding through him as he felt the faint beat of Lance's pulse, but the beats were going at a hundred miles. Keith pulled him to the shore, laying him down on the ground and checking if he was breathing. He wasn't.

–"Lance!" Keith cried out in sheer panic.Lance's chest remained still, and Keith's heart pounded in his chest as terror coursed through him. "No, no, no." Keith muttered frantically, his voice filled with desperation. He knew he had to act quickly. There was no time to lose. He placed his hands on Lance's chest and began pushing down, counting each chest compression in his mind. "Come on, Lance, don't do this." Keith pleaded, his Galra features completely forgotten as he tried to bring his friend back from the brink. He continued the compressions, praying for any sign of life. Keith urged between compressions, his voice a mixture of fear and determination. Nothing. Nothing at all.

–The panic started to well up in him, his eyes darting around Lance's body in pure desperation. He leaned down, his lips pressing against Lance's in a desperate attempt at mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. The seconds ticked by, each one laden with the weight of uncertainty.

–And finally, after what felt like an eternity, Lance gasped for air, and Keith's heart soared with relief as he helped his friend roll onto his side, coughing and sputtering as he dispelled water from his lungs. "Lance, you're okay!" Keith cried, his voice filled with a mixture of relief and concern. He pulled Lance into a sitting position, tears welling up in his eyes. Lance's eyes slowly fluttered open, his vision blurry as he struggled to focus on Keith's face. He coughed again, his chest heaving as he took in the air. "Keith?" He rasped, his voice weak.

–"Yeah, it's me," Keith replied, his hand on Lance's shoulder providing a reassuring anchor. "I'm right here." Lance stared at Keith's full Galra form, a bit scared of how he looked, but in that moment, it didn't matter, because Lance threw himself into Keith's arms, embracing the taller form in his weak hands. Lance managed a weak smile, his strength slowly returning. "I'm so sorry, Keith! I made a mistake; I didn't mean what I said! I hurt your feelings–and, and–I can't do this anymore." He choked, tears streaming down his rosy cheeks. With Lance safe and breathing once more, they sat there on the river's shore, the planet's destruction a distant concern.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2023 ⏰

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