Chapter III: Torn Hearts and Silent Whispers

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–Lance and Keith ventured further into the alien landscape, their steps crunching softly on the damp grass beneath their feet. They had abandoned the cave for a bit to explore, and indeed they found more than they thought they would. As they walked, Lance couldn't help but marvel at the strange yet captivating flora that adorned the planet. Vibrant, bioluminescent plants bathed the landscape in a soft, ethereal glow, casting neon lights over them as they pushed them out of the way to clear the path in front of them. "Hey, Keith," Lance called with a grin, "I never thought I'd say this, but this place is kinda beautiful, isn't it?"

–Keith nodded in agreement, his gaze fixed on the horizon where the grassy plains met the distant hills. "Yeah, it really is. Almost makes you forget about the fact that the planet is deteriorating, and that we're going to die if nobody comes to save us soon." He growls in disagreement, making Lance roll his eyes with a chuckle. "Almost." They continued their exploration, their footsteps guided by curiosity and a sense of adventure. Soon, they stumbled upon a group of peaceful, alien creatures–graceful beings with long, elegant limbs and bioluminescent fur. The creatures were leaping and frolicking among the violet grass, their movements mesmerizing.

–Lance couldn't contain his excitement. "Keith, look at them!" Keith smiled, captivated by the creatures' playful leaps. "They're amazing." Seating themselves on a grassy knoll nearby, they watched the creatures for a while, their hearts lighter in the presence of such innocent beauty. The stress and trauma of their recent experiences seemed to melt away, if only for a moment. After a time, Keith had to break the silence, knowing very well that they had to talk about their escape from planet Surtur. "We need to make a plan, Lance. The other Paladins aren't going to get here any time soon. We need a way out." Lance nodded, his expression serious. "Agreed. We could try fixing the Black Lion." He suggests, but Keith sighs. "How? It needs a massive amount of ancient energy, energy we can't just produce ourselves."

–Lance's brows furrowed in thought. "What if we explored Surtur for any precious gems that could produce energy similar to the Lions'?" Keith's gaze drifted toward the distant hills, where they had spotted the remnants of what looked like the destroyed Galra ship. "You might be onto something. There might be some salvageable tech at the ship. We could check it out."

–Lance stands up from his seat on the purple grass, the wind blowing his hair slightly as he smiles down at Keith. "I ain't as dumb as I look, Mullet." As they set off in the direction of the shattered ship, the playful creatures ran past them as they trotted, and Lance couldn't help but grin, feeling as if he was back on earth. Amidst the unknown challenges of this alien world, Lance and Keith had found something powerful—the strength of their bond and the determination to overcome any obstacle together, but of course, they were both too stubborn to accept it.

–The remnants of the crashed Galra ship loomed ahead, contrasting with the serene beauty of the planet's surface. The once-mighty vessel now lay in ruins, a reminder of the violence and destruction it had endured. Lance and Keith approached it cautiously, their steps slow and deliberate. The ship's exterior was scorched and twisted, with gaping holes where explosions had torn through the metal. Smoke and steam still billowed from some of the wreckage, creating an eerie atmosphere around the site. As they entered the ship's dark and foreboding interior, Lance couldn't shake the feeling of dread that had settled over him like a heavy shroud. The memories of his captivity aboard the Galra ship resurfaced, vivid and haunting. His steps faltered, and he clutched his chest, feeling as if the walls were closing in on him.

–Keith noticed Lance's distress and immediately got preoccupied, concern etched across his face. "Lance, are you okay?" Lance forced a shaky smile, though his voice trembled as he replied, "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. Just–just a little spooked, you know? This place is..." He swallowed harshly, shaking the feeling away. Keith nodded, understanding the weight of Lance's unease. "If you want to stay outside, go. Don't worry about me." Keith soothed, putting a hand to the brunet's shoulder. Lance took a shaky breath, "N-No. I'm fine." He mumbled, pushing Keith's hand out of the way as they continued deeper into the ship, their footsteps echoing ominously in the dimly lit corridors. Lance's anxiety grew with each step, the memories of his time as a prisoner threatening to overwhelm him.

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