Chapter V: Broken Promises

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–"So, since when have you been back?" Lance asked, finishing his meal and placing the plate down. Keith chugs down the water he had purified from the river. "Not long. When I came back from my journey, everyone was discussing a plan to go save you, and I had just arrived on my ship. They weren't expecting me." Keith admits, leaning back on his arm and staring into the starry night sky. "I'm surprised that they let you take the Black Lion and save me without them." Lance chuckles, hands fidgeting as he glances at Keith.

–"About that..." The raven haired boy blushes, scratching the back of his head, "I stole the Black Lion against their orders." Lance's eyes widened just a bit, unnoticeable behind the fiery flames that were between them that pertained to the campfire. "You're kidding, right? You did that for–for me?" Lance muttered, surprised by what Keith was saying. His surprise slowly gave way to a warm, genuine smile. He had always known that Keith had a stubborn streak, but this act of defiance on his behalf touched him deeply. Keith's admission hung in the air for a moment, the crackling of the campfire providing the only soundtrack to their conversation. The night seemed to grow still around them, as if the universe itself was holding its breath.

–Keith nodded, his gaze locked on the dancing flames. "Yeah, I couldn't just leave you there. I knew we needed the Black Lion's power to rescue you, and I was willing to do whatever it took." Lance's heart swelled with gratitude. "That's... That's incredible, Keith. Thank you." Keith shifted uncomfortably, his cheeks tinged with a faint blush. "So now you can admit that you are helpless without me." Keith teases, receiving an exaggerated gasp from Lance. "No way, never! Don't remember; never happened." He replies, crossing his arms over his chest with a huff, extracting a chuckle from the raven haired boy.

–As they sat by the campfire, the unspoken emotions between them seemed to grow stronger. Lance eventually moved across the sand to sit next to Keith, both lost in conversation. His hand brushed against Keith's, and their fingers interlocked for a brief moment before pulling away. "So," Lance began, trying to break the intensity of the moment, "What happened during your journey? You've been gone for a while."

–Keith's expression softened, and he looked up at the night sky. "I traveled to different planets, searching for any signs of the Galra's return. I wanted to make sure the universe was safe, that we wouldn't have to fight another war." Lance nodded, admiration in his eyes. "That's so like you, Keith. Always looking out for others." Keith shrugged, a hint of a smile on his lips. "Well, it's not like I had much else to do. I–I missed you, you know." The raven haired boy says as he scratches the back of his neck. Lance's face turns into one of disappointment, a sudden change of feeling taking over him. "You should have let me come with you." He mutters, voice low enough for Keith to hear, and the hand that was only centimeters from the noiret's darted away. "Lance–"

–"No, I don't wanna hear it." He sighs, a soft smile taking over his frown. Keith remains silent, the hand he had on the floor squeezing the sand from Surtur's surface. "Let me guess. You wanted to protect me? You think that being half-Galra means that you're indestructible? Yeah, psh, that's what friends do, right?" The brunet growls, turning his body away from the other Paladin, causing the latter to feel remorse. "Lance, you are my friend. I just thought that if we both left, who'd save the world with Voltron?" Keith answered with more emotion than intended, his eyes teary from the words that had been shared from Lance. "Voltron? Saving the world? I never wanted to do that! I have a family on Earth. A family I need to protect...And if we defeat the Galra, there will be no threat to them! At Allura's pace, we'll never save the universe." Lance uttered, digging his face in his arms. Keith, on the other hand, did not take that lightly. "Are you saying that the others are just a weight over our shoulders?" The raven haired boy questions, this time his voice getting louder, and the brunet could see his ears turning purple the more he said. And Lance couldn't take it anymore, shouting, "You are a weight over my shoulders!" Something that he immediately wished he could take back once he said it. Keith's ears turned back to normal, because he let the dam break. He knew damn very well that he couldn't take it anymore, and the tears started spilling down his cheeks on their own. "N-No–Keith...I didn't mean to hurt you; I-I didn't mean it like that!" Lance exclaims, frustration taking over as he turns to Keith, but the latter refuses to look at him. "No, you've said enough."

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