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Ten minutes later, Seonghwa sighed in defeat.

No one had been able to find Hongjoong in the swarm of people.

"Maybe he's upstairs?" Wooyoung suggested when everyone regrouped. "Seonghwa-hyung, you could look there."

"Alright." Seonghwa agreed.

"We'll check backstage!" Yeosang hooked his arm around San's, causing him to blush.

"And I'll keep calling." Yunho sighed as he redialed Hongjoong's number. "I'll meet you up there to help you look in a second, hyung."

As Seonghwa headed out of the basement, Wooyoung and Mingi continued their search below.

Before Seonghwa could turn the corner, he heard hushed voices.

One of them was definitely Hongjoong's.

He was about to call out to him when a familiar female voice made him freeze in his tracks.

"Well, you're eager, aren't you?" The voice purred. "You couldn't wait until I was done talking to my friend? I thought you were upset about something."

Seonghwa recognized it.

It was Jimin, the girl he met the first time he came to the Raven Claw.

Sure enough, he peeked around the corner to see her.

What they were doing, however, made Seonghwa blanch.

Hongjoong had the sandy-haired woman pressed up against the wall, kissing her neck.

"Yeah, so let's go." Hongjoong muttered into her clavicle.

Giggling, Jimin pushed Hongjoong away. "My place again?"

"Of course."

Seonghwa felt his blood boil.

Was this why Hongjoong was avoiding him?

Because he was seeing her?

"I'll meet you out by my car. I have to tell Aeri I'm leaving." Jimin turned in Seonghwa's direction.

The blond quickly ducked his head back behind the wall.

"Alright." Hongjoong replied, heading towards the stairs.

Jimin's heels clacked against the floor as she made her way back.

When she rounded the corner, she jumped in surprise at Seonghwa.

He was staring at the ground, fists clenched.

Her shock disappeared when she recognized who he was.

She was about to walk past him when Seonghwa reached out and grabbed her arm, stopping her.

"How long has this been going on?" Seonghwa asked lowly, his grip tight.

Jimin turned around, offering Seonghwa a sad smile. "He talks about you a lot, you know. All the time."

The blond faltered slightly, but his anger grew as he thought about Hongjoong's behavior over the last two weeks.

"How long has this been going on?" He repeated poisonously.

Jimin was startled at Seonghwa's tone, almost frightened.

"Two weeks." She revealed hesitantly.

Seonghwa felt his heart break into a million pieces.

All of his hopes for a future relationship with Hongjoong vanished.

He released Jimin, feeling tears forming in the corners of his eyes.

Jimin looked away, feeling guilty.

"You love him, don't you?" She asked, already knowing the answer.

Seonghwa didn't respond

"I'm sorry, Seonghwa. I had no idea." She murmured honestly. "When you and I first met, I had a hunch that perhaps you liked him. But I didn't know that it had grown into love. I'm so sorry."

"It's not your fault." Seonghwa sniffled. "I only have myself to blame. I'm the idiot who fell in love with a guy who doesn't know what team he plays for."

Jimin walked away, leaving Seonghwa alone in the empty corridor.

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