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The group spent the next two hours simultaneously catching up and getting to know one another, which led to a rap battle slash sing off between Hongjoong, Yeosang, and San.

They forced Seonghwa to choose a winner.

"Hyung, you have to choose who's the best between us." Yeosang urged.

Seonghwa sighed. "I think... San."

"WHAT?!" Hongjoong and Yeosang cried in unison as San pumped his fist in the air.

"I'm sorry! But some of the things he said really caught me off guard! It was catchy!" Seonghwa defended his choice.

"This song was the first thing I heard from San back when I saw him for the first time." Hongjoong revealed. "I was equally as impressed. Looks like I'll have to work harder to impress you too."

Seonghwa spluttered. "Y-You already impressed me, Hongjoong."

"Oh?" Hongjoong grinned mischievously. "That's good to hear. You've impressed me too, you know. You're a very talented vocalist. Have you had any vocal training?"

"Yeah, when I was in middle school and high school..." Seonghwa trailed off.

Hongjoong looked absolutely calm, but Seonghwa's heart was pounding a little too hard for his liking.

What was it about Hongjoong's smile that made his heart flutter?

As the group mellowed out, the buzz from the soju began to wear off, and San reverted back to his grumpy state.

"You two get the hell out of my apartment." He pointed at Yeosang and Hongjoong. "It's past midnight. I'm tired."

"Yeah, wouldn't want the poor baby to get cranky." Yeosang cooed in a cringey baby voice.

Yeosang narrowly avoided getting hit by the Wiimote San chucked at him.

"San, give me your number real quick. We need to hang out again soon." Hongjoong said.

While the reunited friends exchanged numbers, Seonghwa walked over to Yeosang.

"I'll see you later Yeosang." Seonghwa chuckled, giving his friend a hug.

"Yeah! I'll see you in the morning so you can make breakfast!" The brunette teased.

"Don't bother hyung like that." Hongjoong scolded as he approached the pair. "If the way you ate tonight indicates anything, you'll put him in debt by the end of the week."

Yeosang whined at Hongjoong while San sniggered to himself.

"It was nice meeting you, Hongjoong." Seonghwa giggled.

"Likewise." Hongjoong replied, pulling a still complaining Yeosang to the door by his arm.

Seonghwa's gaze drifted to the tight pants hugging Hongjoong's backside as he walked out the door.

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