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It was hours later when Seonghwa drove Yunho to the Grand Apartments.

Classes were done for the day, with no homework to do.

The first day was always dubbed "Syllabus Day."

The two hung out in Seonghwa's room until San walked in with his skateboard.

Yunho had promptly squealed "Mountain!" and crushed him in a hug.

"Hyung... who the hell is this?" San wheezed, the fabric of Yunho's blouse muffling his voice.

"You know, he's the awesome guy in the skirt from yesterday." Seonghwa reminded him.

Yunho released the dumbfounded male, resting his hands on his shoulders. "It's nice to meet you, Mountain! I'm Jeong Yunho! Or AlienYu, if that makes you more comfortable! I am Hwa-hyung's friend from the realm of the interwebs, after all! I just wanna say, you sounded like a constipated grandpa when you got angry in Hwa's log, and it was beautiful! So thank you for making my day!"

San blinked, flicking his gaze from Yunho to Seonghwa several times.

He sighed, removing Yunho's hands from his shoulders.

"That's it, I'm submitting a request to change roommates. You and your little alien can fuck off."

"Mountain, come on!" Seonghwa protested.

"Call me 'Mountain' again and see what happens to you."

"Wait, your name's not Mountain?" Yunho asked, tilting his head.

San's lips parted in disbelief.

Is this kid for real?

"...don't believe everything you hear on the internet." San rolled his eyes at Yunho. "Do yourself a favor and drop the word 'Mountain' from your vocabulary."

"Okay..." Yunho trailed off. "Can I call you grumps instead?"

"You will call me Choi San, or I will throw your ass out of this apartment." San warned.

"Yes, sir!" Yunho saluted him, tongue poking out of his mouth playfully.

Despite San's rough start with the stranger, it didn't take long for them to start talking comfortably.

Yunho shared how he and Seonghwa met online seven years ago and how they met today.

The topic gradually changed to skateboarding, which segued into discussing the incident at the skate park.

"You were really pissed when you approached that asshole. You looked kinda scary" San recalled. "And now, you're a giant marshmallow."

Yunho giggled. "I am a marshmallow 99.9% of the time. I don't like getting angry. Gives you wrinkles. So if you keep getting upset, San, you really will be a constipated grandpa by the end of the year."

Before San could get riled up, Yunho announced that he had to leave.

"I gotta get back to the dorms. My roommate is waiting on me."

"Lord have mercy on the poor soul." San sneered.

"Nah, Wooyoung and I get along great! It's our neighbors Yeosang and Hongjoong that are annoying. Yeosang is loud during the day, and Hongjoong is loud at night. I swear the entire floor can hear Hongjoong snore." Yunho complained. "I heard from Yeosang that he's smart, though. So that makes up for the snoring, I guess. I'll charm my way into his heart so he can help me with my homework." Yunho grinned as he grabbed his stuff.

Seonghwa demanded Yunho's phone number before he left, promising to text him as much as he can.

San sighed when he shut the door behind Yunho.

"Why do you keep bringing crazy people into our apartment?" He asked Seonghwa.

The blond slapped San's back. "So I can bring some excitement into your life! Obviously!"

"My music is the only thing that gets me excited." San countered flatly.

"TMI, San." Seonghwa pretended to retch.

"Fuck you, hyung."

"Nope, I think it's Yeosangie you wanna fuck."

Seonghwa ran towards his room with San close behind.

He managed to slam and lock the door before San could get in.

"I will kick your door down! Don't think I won't!" San snarled.

"Good night, San!" Seonghwa said in a singsong voice.

Seonghwa walked over to his desk to prepare himself for the second day of classes.

He only has two classes tomorrow: Creative Writing and Film Lab.

There are only two professors for creative writing.

Hongjoong might be in my class.

Seonghwa realized.

I kinda hope so. He's a mysterious guy. Very intriguing. Maybe... I wanna get to know him more. There's nothing wrong with that... right?

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