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My heart stirred with joy as I approached the place I had grown up in as a child.

On my way, I noticed the changes in the neighbourhood. Since it was afternoon, most people were indoors.

I don't know if our neighbours would recognize me, but I was happy no one was outside to spoil my surprise arrival.

Even though I had chatted with Paul, my big brother, last night, I didn't let him or anyone else know that I was coming home today.

I knocked and Mom's voice reached me.
"Who is there?"

Of course, I didn't respond, my lips curving in anticipation of her reaction.

When the door swung open, Mom's face contoured into a billion emotions at once—shock, disbelief, understanding, unadulterated joy.

"My God! Phoebe! Is that really you?"

"Yes, Mom!"

She touched my face and hugged me. I savoured the feel of her hands on my back and the familiar smell of shampoo in her hair. This moment was surreal.

"My baby girl is all grown up. Honey, Paul, Phoebe is home!"

Paul bounced out followed by Dad who limped slightly.

I knelt to greet my father. His embrace was tighter than Mom's.

"I knew it. I had a dream that you were coming home but I waved it aside," Paul said, laughing after the surprise had worn out.

"Big bro, I missed your face."

"We have so much to discuss," Mom said and ushered me in.

As I stepped into our immaculate living room, nostalgia hit me.

A secondary feeling I had been trying to stifle surfaced.
How will my family react when I tell them that NYSC posting was out and soon I would be leaving for a teaching hospital in Gombe?

For now, I basked in joy. It was good to be home.


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