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Abel was a sixteen-year-old protege, exposed to technology since he was a kid.

As a teen, his parents, aware of his passion for tech, enrolled him in summer lessons in Coding and Programming. Soon, Abel began making waves as the youngest tech brain in West Africa.

What he didn't realize was that his supposed online 'friends' were jealous of his obvious success. Secretly, they plotted to bring him down at all cost.

Their beguiling nature took over and they  became officious sycophants, giving him advice that were in no way helpful, which he didn't realize at the time.
He assumed that they had his best interest at heart so he believed all the lies they fed his mind with. 

Soon, they had puffed him up with praises  such that he felt he was way too intelligent for mediocre school work. After all, he was far ahead than most people could ever dream to be in their lifetime.

His final plan was to abscond from the 'cages' called school and home. He was sick and tired of the demanding routine of schoolwork. He wanted to be independent.

His parents and teachers began to notice the contumelious attitude he began to exhibit.

Concerned, his mother, Mrs Zara, tried to get him to open up to her, but he was as secretive as an opaque brick.

His mother took a new approach and instead began to monitor his virtual associations.

Her next step, after taking the matter of her boy to God in prayers, was to disconnect him from those toxic friends.

In time, Abel regained his grounding in truth.

Grateful that he did not fall victim to their antics, he began to pursue a new dream—to develop an app that filters off toxic people from the internet space. New purpose, new drive.

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