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Ria Macomber found a few months old baby in a basket at the door of the cabin where she was spending the honeymoon weekend with her husband, Matt Macomber.

Ria had always fantasized about having a romantic honeymoon close to nature and adventure.
She was getting her dream honeymoon here in the Chava Woods, popular for its ancient relics, landmarks and legends.
Until the strange knock on the door which interrupted early the second day had caused Ria, a light sleeper, to go check who was there.

She gingerly picked up the squabbling child and tried to pacify the cute girl.

There was no one in sight.

Ria checked the basket, trying to figure out where this child had come from. There was a note tucked in between a rough blanket that read, 'Care for me; miracles exist.'

Compassion immediately swelled inside Ria. This sweet baby was an abandoned child.

Ria cradled the baby and took her to the kitchen where she took whole milk and warmed it before feeding the baby through a bottle.

Matt joined her in the kitchen some minutes later and was shocked to meet Ria cooing over a baby. 

Ria explained everything and said, "Isn't she an angel?"

"You want to keep her? Are you sure about this?" Matt queried, looking sceptical

"This child needs our care."

Matt sighed.
"I don't know... but I trust God that this child is here for a reason. We may not keep her—we'll have our children of course—but till we can hand her over to the authorities, let's make her comfortable, Honey."

Suddenly, Ria gasped, wide-eyed.
The baby had smiled intelligently at her, winked and vanished.

They stood, shocked by what they'd just witnessed.
This was the myth that circulated in this region.
The legend of the old infant.

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