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Betsey walked down the hallway, the haste apparent in her steps.
Her face was streaked with tears, it was a good thing that everyone was occupied with the wedding organisation.

She couldn't marry him. No, not after what she just saw.

How could he?

Theirs was meant to be the Christian celebratory wedding of the season.

Daniel had been everything she dreamt of in a man. A renown music minister, a perfect compliment to her songwriting gift.

Now, she saw clearly that God had answered her according to the idol in her heart.
She had stubbornly refused to heed the telltale signs and warnings the Holy Spirit had been bringing to her notice about this man.

"Mommy, I have to see you," Betsey said frantically to her spiritual mother, Mrs Eri.

"What's wrong? Why are you here?"

"It's Daniel! He's been cheating on me. With Janet of all people! My best friend. And today of all days! My wedding day! I suspected it for a long time."

The woman sighed. 
"Betsey, you know I warned you."

"Mommy, is it too late? I'm scared. What will everyone say?"

Suddenly, Janet the betrayer entered. With a broad smile, she said, "Betsey, Where have you been? I have been looking all over for you. You don't want to keep everyone waiting."

"Go, do what the Lord will have you do," Mrs Eri said softly.

Betsey didn't know how she got to the hall and floated down the aisle.

As she stood at the altar, she looked at the man she was supposed to be married to.

Her eyes caught Mrs Eri's and the woman smiled reassuringly at her.

She took in a shuddering breath. The decision was simple, yet hard.

Indeed, it was the best of times, it was the worst of times.


What do you think, guys? If you were Betsey, what would be your reaction to being betrayed on your wedding day?

I pray this won't be anyone's experience.

Don't forget to comment, like and share. I love you all. You're the best!

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