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"Hurry!" Felix said, urgency lacing his voice. "I can still hear their screams."

We went into the burning building together, fully clad in our firefighting gear.

Thank God, we found the people who were trapped in the elevator.
After much difficulty, we tore down the door and began to direct them out with wet handkerchiefs over their nose.

Felix kept praying under his breath.

Just as the last person left, we heard a dreaded boom that rocked the building. A gas cylinder had exploded.

When I turned back, I saw that a chunk of concrete had trapped Felix's leg to the door of the elevator. I tried to free him, but time was running out and the heat was getting worse.

"Go! Now!" he said firmly.

I ran out when the mixture of dust and smoke became too choking to bear.

My conscience chided me. I should have stayed. Felix was my closest pal in the fire station, the epitome of sacrificial love.

God, please! Don't let him die.

When the rubble subsided and we had done our best to control the growing flames with blasts of high pressure water, I ran back into the building.

Felix was in bad shape when I found him—unconscious and barely breathing.
We rushed him to the hospital where the doctor told us his chances of survival were minimal.

As I walked out of the ward, dejected, Precious, his pretty wife rushed to me, hysteria in her eyes.

"Mr Lawrence, I came as soon as I saw the news... Where is Felix? Please tell me he isn't hurt."

I remained silent, pained.

"Please, let me know what's happening to my husband," she shrilled, her eyes brimming with unshed tears. "Say something!"

"I'm sorry," I whispered, looking at her with guilt. "My lips are sealed."


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