The Lunar Chronicles by Marisa Meyers

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Summary: The retelling of Cinderella, Red Riding Hood, Snow White, and Rapunzel in a futuristic world filled with magic. The story begins with a young woman named Cinder who is a maid to her mother and a cyborg. Through series of trials Cinder finds out her true identity and what to do attain it, but will she risk everything- even if it means that their will be hardships along the way?

Good Reads Star: 4.13

Good Reads Rating: 889,016 people rated it.

Warning: None

TV/Movie Adaptation: unfortunately no.

Why You Should Read This

I like this reading because it simple does not follow the logic of all other retelling- one our Rapunzel is a hacker, Cinderella is a cyborg, Red Riding Hood works at a restaurant, and the wolf and Flynn Rider are love interests.  Another thing is that usually the retelling are sweet and buttered- nah these characters have real problems that just makes you love them more though. So if your a cyber fanatic or someone who just loves retelling you should read this series!

You can find this series at: Kindle, Walmart E books and Amazon.

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