[54] Are You and President Kim Living Together?

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"Oh God! He's in the backstage? Can we grab a shot of boss?"

"We would like to request for Y/N's manager to appear on stage!"

"We would like to request for them to appear in the same frame!"

Same frame...

Was this possible?

The host was extremely versatile. So, she quickly recovered the audience's attention, "Pause...we are a serious interview program and don't like to gossip. Let's place our focus on the second key phrase instead: 'Announcing your comeback'! Thinking back on the time when SM accepted an invite to an event for an unreliable product on your behalf and how badly you were scolded. How did you feel at that time?"

"I told myself to prepare for war," Y/N replied. "That was the moment when I decided to pick up my dream."

The host looked at Y/N and analyzed her expression. She then placed her hand under her chin, "Y/N, I've discovered that you are a person with a strong personality."

"Really?" Y/N asked as she smiled.

"Can you share your life motto with us?"

Y/N had been sitting for a while so her hip was starting to feel a little uncomfortable. She adjusted her position before answering, "Actually, I don't really live by any motto. I am a person that draws a clear line between good and bad. As long as I feel like something is right, I will go ahead and do it without worrying about the consequences."

"You seem to handle matters calmly and logically. Do you cry often? What kind of situations make you cry?"

"When my lover, my friend or a relative gets hurt, I cry. I don't cry because of my career because I believe there is always a solution to any problem. On the other hand, the human heart is unpredictable."

The host nodded and continued to ask, "Are you a person that likes to control others?"

"No, individuality is what differentiates one person from another. Only by meeting different people will one's life be truly fulfilled and colorful."

"Then...are you a person that likes to be controlled?" as the host asked this question her tone was obviously suggesting something. The fans quickly responded with their high-pitched screams. However, Y/N remained composed without slipping on her words.

"If someone wants to control your lifestyle, it means they will need to use double the effort to protect you. The more naive you are, the more tired people around you will be. If you don't believe me, have a look around you. Therefore, I am a person that likes to give as much as I get. I believe in equality."

Because of Y/N's serious response, most of the 'couple fans' calmed down and listened intently to the interview. In the studio, there were fans that were 26-years-old and even older. After hearing Y/N's response, they were quite moved. It was hard for them to believe that these words came from the mouth of a 26-year-old.

She seemed to have seen through life without destroying it.

During this short 50-minute interview, fans were not only treated to the public displays of affection they desired, they also developed a deeper understanding towards Y/N.

It turned out she had so much depth to her personality.

"We've asked so many questions today. From the impressive Oriental Trend to LM's Eun-woo incident, we've witnessed how Y/N has emerged from the danger and proven herself. Now...I will ask 2 more questions. The first one is related to your fall from the stage. At that time, your fall was quite serious, how come you didn't immediately seek medical attention?"

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