[45] So, Y/N is Being Defamed Because She Offended You...

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As for Y/N, the thing that moved her the most was that no matter what Taehyung desired, after coming down from their climax, no matter how vulnerable they both felt, he would still pull her sweaty body into his embrace...

He embraced her tightly...

He didn't need to express anything, nor did he need to provide any comforting words. Just a simple tight embrace was better than any words he could say.

A moment later, with Y/N still in his embrace, he suddenly sat up. Just as he was about to step off the bed, he felt Y/N pull him back. Taehyung looked at her curiously.

Y/N was like a naughty little girl as she clung to his chest.

Taehyung turned on the bedside lamp and gently stroked her back. The corners of his lips carried a slight smile, "Aren't you going to have a shower?"

"I just want you to hug me like this," Y/N buried her head into Taehyung's chest with a cute expression, "I don't want to separate from you."

"Didn't you tell me not to go London with you?"

I just don't want you to be too tired...

Nor do I want myself to be too tired...

In actual fact, the couple already understood the situation. But, how could the Taehyung that had slowly turned spoiling his wife into a career allow Y/N to go to London all on her own?

Taehyung did not tell Y/N his plans. He simply waited to give his cute little wife another surprise.

That night, the couple did not sleep. They remained in each other's embrace as they chatted the night away.

In a blink of an eye, it was already time for Bam Bam and Rose to pick up Y/N and take her to the airport. However, up until the point she was to leave, Y/N still clung to Taehyung, not willing to let go, "Wait for me..."

Taehyung reached out his hand and gently stroked Y/N's hair. The wedding ring on his finger sparkled under the morning sun...


Upon arriving at the airport, Rose suddenly realized she had forgotten her passport. But at this moment in time, she expected her grandfather to be out on his morning stroll, and there was no way she could go back and forth between home; there wasn't enough time.

Y/N thought about her old home and remembered it wasn't far from Kim Entertainment. So she told Rose to give Chanyeol a phone call; she knew Rose had the habit of hiding a spare set of keys.

Rose hesitated for a moment, but she quickly concluded that work was more important, so she reluctantly gave Chanyeol a phone call, "Chanyeol."

"What is it?"

"Uh...well, I forgot my passport. Do you think you could drop by my home for a bit? There is a spare key hidden inside the mailbox and my passport should be sitting on top of my bed."

Chanyeol was actually quite busy; Taehyung still had a lot of documents waiting for him to deliver. If it was someone else, he would have shrugged them off, but since it was Rose...

...no matter how inconvenient it was, he felt he couldn't refuse...

"You wait there," Chanyeol was well aware of their boarding time, so he immediately drove over to Rose's home and quickly found the spare key.

The furnishings inside Rose's home was pretty much the same as when Y/N left. This was not the first time Chanyeol had stepped foot inside, but without Rose around, he felt an unusual nervousness.

As he pushed open the door to Rose's bedroom, he found the passport was indeed sitting on the bed. But, beside it lay a pile of bras and underwear; Rose was in such a rush, she did not have time to tidy up...

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