[32] Good Show

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"No matter how impressive she is, she will only have a few more years of glory. On the other hand, there is still a long road ahead for you guys. No matter how professional she is, in the end, it's still impossible for her to join YG Entertainment!"

"Momo, I'm not sure how many more years of glory Y/N will have, but...if you continue to go against her, then you will only be able to enjoy these next few days..." the show director couldn't help but stick up for Y/N.

"With Y/N's status, it is definitely hard for her to get into a top agency since the industry is so competitive, but...even Lisa can't say that Y/N isn't qualified. Don't you think, as a small manager, you are thinking too highly of yourself?"

Momo gave a deep and unhappy look at the show director; he was getting a bit out of line.

Even if he was friends with Lisa, how could he stick his nose into their business?

"Don't worry. I've said these words because I am certain...there is no way Y/N can join YG!"

The show director felt Momo was being overly confident and pretentious. Even if she was Lisa's right-hand woman, in the end, Lisa was the CEO. No wonder Lisa went ahead and signed Y/N without letting her know. It seemed, there was going to a be good show to watch.

"Oh that's right, I am friends with your CEO, so I am reasonably polite to you, but from now on...as long as it is one of my shows, I don't want to see your face; I don't want to annoy each other. Regarding this, I will speak to President Lisa myself."

As for Qin Lu...

The fact that she had brought her uncle to help her snatch the opening, he had a feeling it would make an interesting news headline...Would Kim Taehyung be satisfied with him doing that?


On the way home, Y/N leaned comfortably on Kim Taehyung. It seemed no other embrace in this world could make her feel more safe and at ease.

In regards to how Y/N had acted in front of the show director, Kim Taehyung was quite satisfied. It seemed Y/N had seriously taken their relationship into consideration and didn't merely say she would.

"Lisa wanted me to teach Momo a lesson, but instead, I made her even more arrogant..."

"I'm sure someone like Lisa would have predicted this outcome and actually expected you to inflate her ego," Kim Taehyung said gently. "We often do things like this to teach our staff a lesson. Whenever they've gone too far, this is the only effective method to use on them."

Y/N smiled and responded, "This method makes sense."

When you are trying to persuade someone, no method is faster and more memorable than making them suffer a fall.

"Are you tired?"

"I'm OK. Back when I was in France, I spent a record-breaking 12 hours repeatedly changing clothes." Y/N wrapped her arms around Taehyung's waist and whispered in his ear, "Can't you tell I just want you to dote on me?"

Kim Taehyung let out a gentle laugh and subconsciously hugged her tighter.

After arriving home, the couple had a quick shower and headed to bed. Kim Taehyung watched TV with Y/N. However, as the words 'Mini-Y/N' appeared on screen one time after another, Kim Taehyung's eyebrows became more than slightly twisted, "This Yani has been quite active on screen. Seems Star Age has been promoting her so she can go on variety shows."

"But I can't do something to her just because of the words 'Mini-Y/N'" Y/N responded calmly, "If I do, people will say I am petty for getting worked up over a nickname. Above all, Yani is only 16-years-old. In the public's eyes, she is only a child and should be taken care of gently."

His Secret Wife (Taehyung)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin