[36] Y/N Has Someone Backing Her!

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"Y/N, we need to talk!"

Y/N looked at Momo. Her eyes were blood red...Could it be from sadness or anger?

Y/N understood how Momo felt. Her mind must have been blank a moment ago, so now was the time for her to release her anger.

It turned out Momo wasn't fearless...

Bam Bam stood in front of Y/N, ready to stop the two from getting any closer as Y/N gave him a reassuring look, "What do you want to say?"

"What did you say in front of Lisa? Or what did you do in front of Lisa?"

It turned out, Momo had thrown the entire blame on her.

"Momo, do you really think my words would be enough to sway Lisa?" Y/N asked calmly. "Why don't you ask yourself what you did that may have crossed Lisa's bottom line?"

"You seem to have forgotten your manager identity, or did you think Lisa was old and easy to bully?"

"Lisa didn't get to where she is because of a manager like you. Her ability, taste and charisma is the key. It's bad enough you tried to stand in my way, if you didn't try to challenge her...you would not have turned out this way! After all, if she wanted to strangle you, it would be easier than you think."

After hearing Y/N's words, Momo took a few steps back in confusion. Earlier on, when she was on the stage, she depended on her momentary courage. However, now that the overall situation had been set, she suddenly felt scared...

Y/N remained calm as she enjoyed the expression on Momo's face. Of course, she no longer had to care about a stray dog like Momo. So, she walked out of the building with Bam Bam.

All that was awaiting Momo, was misery...

"Lisa hasn't dealt with Jackson yet!" Bam Bam reminded Y/N as he followed closely behind her. "This man has his true intentions hidden deeper than Momo and is even harder to handle."

"If Lisa kicked Jackson out as well, who would keep you in check?" Y/N asked gently.

"You seem like you aren't afraid of anything," Bam Bam pulled open the van door for Y/N. He was curious where her courage and confidence came from.

Y/N sat inside the van with a clear look in her eyes. She replied firmly, "I'm walking the path I think is right, why should I be afraid?"

"The man you are hiding must be either so weak that he needs you to protect him, or so powerful that you have no fear. So, which one is he?"

Y/N's expression did not change. She just simply shook her head, "We agreed before, you weren't going to question my personal matters."

"Fine then, let's talk about the preparations for Her Vision's shoot, we will be heading to Moscow in 3 days," Bam Bam did not question further. His main priority right now was to help Y/N achieve her dream and become the chief supermodel of YG so not to put his years of expertise to waste.

Y/N nodded, she was fairly tired. Did this mean she'd have 3 days to rest? That would be perfect; she could keep Taehyung company.

Bam Bam secretly observed Y/N. He realized she wasn't completely emotionless, at least not when she thought about her man. When she thought of him, her face would soften.

So he was curious,what man could have control over Y/N?

How meticulous must he be to keep up with Y/N?He assumed the man must be as he predicted; he must require Y/N's protection. Of course, he had no idea, during their trip to Moscow, he would have the chance to experience this man's presence.

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