"What can I get for you fine ladies?" A young man asked, giving us a charming smile as he leaned against the bar.

Vittoria was quick to order two vodka cranberries for us, simple drinks to start the night. Slipping onto the stool, I curiously scanned the area. There was a group of bikers surrounding a pool table, girls and guys dancing against each other on the dance floor and others scattered among the tables and booths. The bar held us quiet folk I guess, none of us were drunk or talking. Everyone looked depressed if I were being honest, it's a little disturbing.

"I thought bars were crazy with fights," I mumbled.

Vittoria chuckled, "Not this one. This bar is a bit calmer, but it does have its moments. It's mainly for the richer families in the city. But you still have your bikers and oddballs that come through since it's on the outer parts. The bars and clubs in the inner city are louder and more lively. Figured it would be a good choice for your first bar."

"Do you come to this one often?"

"Sometimes. Alessandro isn't much of a drinker, he prefers to stay home playing video games or just reading. Other times he's doing jobs for Salvatore."

I raised a brow, "Jobs?"

She hesitated for a moment, her eyes glazed over with thought as she seemed to carefully select her words. "Yeah. Jobs for the restaurant and what not."

"Oh. So, what are their parents like?"

"Their father is stern and not emotionally available. That's how their mother likes him though, she despises if a man is over the top and clingy. She doesn't deal well with emotions. They're an odd couple, but they work. They raised two great men and loved them the best they could."

"Do they ever argue?"

"Yes, but they both cool off before talking to each other. I respect them for that. My parents are the explosive type. They won't get aggressive or anything, but they can get into good screaming matches. They're better now, but when I was younger it did scare me."

I took a sip of the bitter liquid, looking around the bar again. I paused when a familiar man walked through the door, his brown eyes scanning the building for a quick second. Looking away, I quickly focused myself back on my drink.

"I wonder what my parents were like," I admitted.

Vittoria glanced at me, "Have you ever tried finding them?"

"No. I was told by my caretaker that I was abandoned on the steps of a church in Greece."

"Did this orphanage only take in children from other countries?"

"Not normally. Raphael and I were the only unique ones. Most of the kids are from the states. I'm not sure how I got here from Greece, she never made that clear."

Vittoria nodded, her fingers nervously pressing on her glass, "Have you considered ancestry?"

"That dna site?" I asked, looking at her in surprise.

She nodded, "If you take a DNA test they can possibly connect you with other users. You could find some family by using them."

I never considered using Ancestry to track down my family, to learn about my lineage. I always knew it was there, I have received emails from them before. My old account was sitting, taking up data because I got cold fingers. I want to know my family, I want to see what I am, who my possible cousins, aunts, uncles and whoever are. Yet, I couldn't bring myself to go through with it. Part of me was scared. Scared to discover them only to be rejected. I told myself they got rid of me for a reason, but I was afraid to find out that reason.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2023 ⏰

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