Chapter 5

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"When did you get to New York?" He asked, forgetting about Albert.

I backed away as he got closer, causing him to furrow his eyebrows. Getting the hint that I don't want him close to me, he stopped walking and sat a few feet away. I should be ecstatic to see him after so many years, to the point I would be running into his arms. Instead, I felt betrayed by seeing how well he's doing and he hasn't tried contacting me. He promised he would find me once he had money and was well off, but I guess he found better things to occupy his time with.

As if on queue, a blonde woman with dark eyes sauntered in, her body clothes in expensive clothing as he grabbed Raphael's arm. Her red lips turned into a frown when her eyes landed on me, noticing the two of us just staring at each other. Raphael blinked, falling from our staring contest to focus on the glaring woman.

"Yes, dear?" He asked.

She looked me up and down, her lip curling in disgust, "Who is this?"

Raphael looked back at me, his cheeks red as he seemed to fumble over his words. Rolling my eyes, I forced a smile in the woman's direction, "I'm just a ghost of his past. I thought he had moved to Canada and he thought I hated cities, we're just a bit confused. My apologies, the name is Evania."

"I see," she spoke, looking at my hand as if I were carrying the plague. "I'm Bianca, his fiance."

"Fiance?" I almost choked. My eyes slid to his once more, my lips turning into a mocking grin. "Here I thought Raphael didn't roll that way."

"You thought he liked men?"

I nodded, "He was a huge flirt with one of our mutual friends, Roberto."

We don't even know Roberto. Pretty sure it's some name I saw when I passed a graveyard years ago.

He gaped at me as Bianca looked back at him, eyes wide, "Who's this Roberto?"

"No one, love. Evania has a history of trying to poke fun at me. One of the reasons she and I hated each other growing up," he lied, kissing the top of her hand as his eyes flashed with annoyance.

I chuckled, "I'm sorry. You just have such a fragile ego, it's hard not to. Anyways, I need to pay for this and get home. You two lovebirds have a great night."

Albert smiled, motioning for me to just take the food. I mouthed a thank you before scurrying out of the store, trying to bite back the sob climbing through my throat. Not only did he break his promise, but he has completely forgotten about me. I was stupid for thinking he still loves me after not seeing each other for nearly eight years. Of course he wouldn't want to waste his time or money on an orphan like me. He has a family now, people with expectations he must meet and pressures that he has to work under. I'm a nobody with zero people to go home to, I would only bring him down. Going by the expensive clothing they both wore, he's likely higher up on the social ladder, it would be an embarrassment for him if he were to show up with a no name like me.


He's engaged.

I wiped my tears as I dropped my items on the counter, wishing I had bought a cheap bottle of wine to wash away my sorrows. Closing my eyes, I shook my head, telling myself to not walk down that path again. I had made that mistake back in college, drowning all my insecurities and pain with wine, vodka and shots of whiskey. I didn't care how much the liquid burned my throat, it was a good type of pain at the time. Miss. Lace had found me then, wasted and falling over the school's steps as I tried to make my way to the dorms. The detox from drinking was a nightmare, one I'd rather not revisit.

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