Chapter 1

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Pulling my jacket tighter around my frame, I began searching for a taxi. My hands felt frozen to my suitcase as the brisk wind raced around me, chilling me to the core. I should have listened to Miss. Lace when she told me how terrible winter in New York could be. However, I'm still the same stubborn girl that I was when in the orphanage. Throwing my hand up, I smiled as a taxi quickly pulled up and an older gentleman shuffled his way out.

"Only these two bags?" He asked, shoving them into his trunk.

I nodded, "I don't have much to my name."

Climbing into the warmth of the vehicle, I could feel myself thawing out already. The elderly man quickly climbed into the driver's seat, closing the door with a soft thud. Adjusting his mirror, he glanced at me.

"Where are we heading?"

I scrambled through my pockets for the address I had written down before handing it to him, giving him a swift thank you. He frowned at the scribbled words before looking back up, a concerned shine in his eyes.

"A young girl like you is going to this dark area?" He questioned, shifting the car into drive.

I nodded, "It's all I can afford for right now. The townhomes don't look too bad."

"The homes are nice, but there's higher crime in this area. The mafia is still strong in these corners."

"The mafia? I've only ever heard about them in books and movies."

He laughed, "Well, they aren't as prevalent as they were back in the day. They're still working though, just keeping themselves under the radar. Criminal families like them don't like the spotlight, ya know?"

"That does make sense. Well, I'm sure they wouldn't bother with someone like me. I have nothing to offer them."

"Just be careful in the underworld, sweetheart. You don't want to become theirs."


I stepped into the new home, taking in the nice interior. It isn't as rundown as I was told they would be by my professors, but it also isn't for anyone seeking a fancy living space. Turning, I handed the driver an extra tip, thanking him for helping me bring my suitcases up the steps. He gently patted me on the shoulder before making his way back to the cab, my eyes watching him until I knew he was driving out of here safely. Looking across the street, I frowned when I noticed two men watching me, their eyes dark and curious. Gulping, I quickly slammed my door shut and locked it with a small yelp.

"It's okay, Evania, you lived by yourself in the rundown area of Philadelphia. If you can handle it there, you can handle it here," I whispered to myself.

Looking around, I began walking through the rooms, wanting to explore my new home. It feels weird having a place to myself, in my name. Growing up in an orphanage, you don't have anything that belongs just to you. You're always sharing clothes, food, blankets and your bed. The only thing that was ever truly mine, is the small emerald necklace Raphael had gifted to me. I still have no idea where he got it from, he definitely did not buy it. It's covered in beautiful diamonds with large emeralds throughout, causing the green to stand out. At first, I was convinced they were fake diamonds and emeralds, making it more reasonable for him to have. After taking it to a jeweler, I learned they were real gems and the necklace is worth a pretty penny. It left an unsettling feeling in my gut, wondering if the boy I loved was a thief after all.

Gripping the necklace, I played with it in my hand as I peered into each room. There's only two rooms downstairs. The kitchen, which is small but perfect for me and what I'm guessing is an office space. Climbing up the creaking stairs, I poked my head into the other three rooms. Two of them were smaller, big enough to fit a twin-sized bed and maybe a nightstand but the master bedroom was impressive. It'll take me some time to buy furniture for my new place, considering I spent a good amount of my savings on this home. However, I have enough to get myself the needed items, including a mattress.

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