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He held my hand!!!!!!!!!!

"Dude! You are so red! What did he say? Was he tough on you? I swear Dr Sanjay seems easy to work with. Here he comes!." Jaidev smiled and wished while I just looked at him. I am sure he must be great doctor but he flirts a lot. Now that Dr Amogh warned me it's confirmed that he is into me or fascinated with me for a while.

My day has been hectic as usual but I chose to work. Kids are lovely to be around. Kasturb joined me while I was leaving home. His uncle stays near my house and he frequently visits him. While I was irritated that he's not driving, my friend on the other hand was busy telling me gossips of the day. It was hot, humid,  extremely frustrating and not to mention pollution. On top of all this there's a car that's been honking continously. I looked at it with anger but soon realized it's him ! Crossing him was the best decision I have ever taken but then the look he gave sent me chills.

What happened to him?

"See you tomorrow morning! Wake up early! I will drive don't worry. " my friend fake promised which I knew he would. The world I live in its so frustrating! When will I complete my studies? Only 2 friends I have made are either sleeping or busy visiting their relatives here or on duty. We three never get off together!

After hours of just laying down in Star fish position, I decided to go out on solo date and enjoy my free evening. Dad was against it but mom made sure I sneaked outside silently.

Same story every house. Riding my scooty I parked it near marine drive and sat down. Although it's humid, people gathered around, crowd of every category. People who were smooching others were busy with that while the rest like me got bored of it. As time went on, I felt like eating pasta with cheesy French fries and large jug of lime soda. Riding my bike home, I saw a cute little Cafe with lots of books in it.

Pasta please!

Sounds like good one!

When I entered it, the bell chimed softly just like in movies and the young owner smiled at me. I walked in smiling at him but the moment I looked infront of me, I saw him again !

Dr Amogh was gulping pasta as if he's been hungry whole day. He looked at me with shock. Immediately getting up from his place he pulled out a chair asking me to sit down. Out of courtesy I did but it felt awkward to interrupt his time.

"I am sorry to interrupt your alone time. "

"I am glad to meet you. "

We both spoke at same time. Going silent I gave him a small smile. He pushed his plate towards me with his spoon and fork. I looked at him and his food.

"Have it. You will like. " He spoke smiling at me.

He smiles? So wide?

"No sir. Thank you. Please carry on. " I said he face fell just then the owner showed up at our table with menu card. He bent down suggesting me what all I can order , portion sizes and what not which were confusing for me.

I just need some pasta.

"Get her your normal portion size. Lemonade and fries." Dr Amogh spoke out of blue startling the host.

"But it will be too much for the lady." This guy suggested.

"Its for us to decide not you. " Dr Amogh spoke looking at me. As soon as he left I saw him gulping his food in one go.

"Why don't you call him sir?." He questioned me.


" Yeah. Why are you being so formal with me? I understand you have to be infront of your colleagues and all. But then now? In my cabin when we were alone?." He said with frustration.

"What do you want me to call you then?." I asked him irritated.

"With my name?." He suggested calmly.

"Yes Dr Amogh Sir." I replied which annoyed him again.

" You are impossible!." He mumbled. Just then my food arrived making my mouth water. With silence between us, I felt as if I am on solo date again. As I burped a bit, he looked at me. Without a word he took my pasta and ate it silently . Nothing to do, I had my fries loaded with cheese. He didn't even flinch after consuming almost 500g of pasta not to forget overloaded cheese in mine. We both got up to pay but he held by hand asking me to wait.

Well, that's better. I can save some money.

I stood back looking at interior decoration. The host came around the desk wishing us good day, I smiled as usual plus am extremely sleepy too.

"You got a bit of cheese!." The host said taking a tissue to wipe it off but Dr Amogh snatched it from his hand and turned around. He gave me tissue and pointed out.

"I will drop you." He said when he came out.

"As much as you like holding my hands. It would be nice if you leave it. I have my own bike to go home. " I said looking at his wrist.

He still held on to it looking at me with irritated expression.

"Why only that kattapa can hold your hand?." He asked me. I laughed my ass off when he mentioned kasturb as kattapa.

"You are my professor. I don't want you to hold my hand anywhere. Not in college or outside of it. I respect you sir but I have my limits too." I said starting my bike as he looked at me.

What does he think of himself? If he has his own life. I have mine too. But my scooty thought otherwise. I think his prayers to drop me were answered when heavy smoke came out of my scooty.  He coughed loudly walking towards me.

" Its not working.  Now can I drop you?." He requested. I looked at him with irritation. Of course he can't! But it's too late for me to travel alone especially after my dad said no. 

" Yes sir." I replied parking my car scooty aside and locking it. 

" Don't you call me sir !." He shouted.

" What will i call you then? Mr Upadhyay?." I asked him.

" Anything other than sir! I told you so many times since start but you are just stuck there. Why do you like to torture me?" He asked calmly. Wow. He gets frustrated too?

" No Mr Amogh Upadhyay , I don't intend to torture you anyway. Certainly not the way you chose to. " I replied back which made him shut up.  Walking towards me, he held my hand again, made me sit in his car and drove me off to my house. It drizzled on the way and I was glad , I am not drenched as I got exams from next week. Switching off the engine he looked ahead with serious expression.  Unlocking my door. I mumbled a simple thank you .

" I am sorry for everything Anagha." I heard him say but chose to ignore like everytime.


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