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The next few days were spent gaining energy back and healing, and they did not see much of one another. That is until one day Adonis burst into her room fully dressed in scarf and gloves and she smiled when she saw his mask still off. Seeing her look he smiled a little, "it is still being fixed."

She nodded and stood, "good. May I ask what are you doing here and out of bed?"

He scratched his head and held up the coat he bought her, "I was thinking we could perhaps get out of the house. Besides, I have yet to show you the outside grounds, um Sicily brought it to my attention." She took the coat and slipped it on and he took a step forward to help her button it up. As he did, she hid her shock by studying his facial features. She saw past the scars and noticed his strong jawline and higher cheekbones. She smiled slightly at the dimple she saw, and subconsciously brushed it with her finger tip as he suppressed a shiver. "There. Shall we?"

"Yes. I just have to get my scarf." She slowly walked to the chest and grabbed the scarf that belonged to her dad that Sicily had brought to her unaware that he was aware of her limp.

"Is your ankle ailing you?"

"No. All is well. Just still a tad sore from the fall. I've stayed off of it, and it has healed enough."

"Allow me."

Her eyebrow rose and she let out a yelp when he scooped her up and sat her on the bed before kneeling in front of her. "There is no need--" She trailed off blushing when he lifted her skirt above her ankles to study where the swelling had been.

"I apologize if I am being too forward." He said when he looked up and saw her rose tinted cheeks.

She cleared her throat. "No, it is fine. I was saying that you did not have to check for my ankle. I am getting on alright." She had noticed in her ramblings that he had taken her ankle boots off and began to continue his examination of her ankle.

He rose, "Remain here. I will return." When he heard her huff he glanced back briefly and smiled a little. "S'il vous plaît?" He hurried out of the room.

She sat in shock and had a strange feeling that was the first time he'd ever said please to someone and felt a warmth engulf her. Maybe he is  not all bad. She thought but heard a different voice remind her that she was being kept against her will. She reasoned that she would have been allowed to go home but had to remain because she gotten attacked by wolves. She would go after she was fully healed and rested. Her train of thought was broken when he entered carrying wool cloths. He knelt down before her again and slowly rolled her ankle and she forcibly sucked in a quick breath at the shot of pain that racked her. His touched became gentler but he still focused on it solely as he rolled it once more and proceeded to wrap it in the wool tightly without adding to her discomfort. After wrapping it in wool he smoothly slid her boot back onto her foot and lowered her skirt back over her ankle before rising to his full height. He stood over her, his height seemingly overbearing with his face roughed and aged by the scars on his face. He helped her up and she put pressure on her ankle without wincing and gave him a grateful smile. "Better?"



"Her name is Vie." He said brushing the horse's mane.

"Life." Valora translated.

He nodded. "I've very quickly learned the difference between existing and living in my time. One is just a state of being, a form of matter, material, the other is what you do with it. The what and the how I believe."

"You've existed, but have you lived?" She asked as they sauntered out of the stable and into the yard toward a large tree.

"I believe I did at once. I've always been aware of my existence, but time has taught me that I've never fully lived. I've always just been a shell. I've been a shell of a foolish man for the last eleven years. And now I've bought you into it." He said pensively. His sadness engulfed him slowly but she brought his attention back to her when a snowball landed square in his chest. 

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