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The days passed and Adonis became annoyed with the stubborn woman and passed Sicily in the hallway. "The girl fares well?"

"Yes, she does."

He nodded and glanced at the food in her hand. "What is that?"

"Food. I am taking it to her."

His face darkened. "So that is why she has not felt the need to leave that room of hers. I forbid it. If she desires to dine, she will come to the hall or starve!" He said stalking off. Sicily shook her head but obeyed.

Later in her room, Valora paced annoyed and hungry. Sicily was nice enough to tell her what Adonis ordered and she could not find it in her to be angry at the woman, she was simply following his demands. It was Adonis that she was annoyed with. She decided she would wait until very late and sneak and grab a bite or two that would last her a few days. Donning her robe she slipped her door open slightly wincing when it squeaked. She was satisfied that her slippers did not make much noise and tip toed carefully holding a candle hoping that she would not get lost. She descended the staircase slowly and was relieved when she reached what looked to be a dining room. Walking past it, she entered the kitchen and looked around for fruit and other ingredients she could use to make something that would last her.

Adonis stood leaning against the door frame and watched her move around the kitchen and heard a single tune she begin to softly hum. "I see you decided to take a break from that room of yours."

She stopped suddenly annoyed that he had caught her. Tightening her robe she squared her shoulders and resumed working. "Well since you would not allow food to be brought to me, I had to come and get it myself. Unless you were intending to starve me then I guess I'll be forced to comply to that too."

"Is that what you think? That I wanted you to starve?" Her silence confirmed it, and he sighed. "Well I guess that is what you would expect from a creature like me." He shook his head and turned to leave.

"You say the word creature with such distaste." She observed squinting into the shadows. "Have you--"

"No don't." He growled. "Enjoy your meal." And then he was gone.

Sicily the next day entered her room to give her clothes and Valora spoke out of curiosity. "That man, why is he always in the shadows and the dark? Why does he hate the word creature so?" She asked looking down and picking at the loose strings in her skirt.

She was pleasantly surprised at the question and thought about the best way to answer, "well dear, he has been through a lot in his short life."

"Short?" She had never seen his face only glimpse of it the candle light afforded but his build and height alluded to maturity.

"Well, young to me. He will be 30 soon enough." She said almost sadly. "I fear his time will be up then." She said more to herself worriedly.

Valora felt confused yet guilty, she disliked him for holding her but she remembered her words to him and how they must have hurt. "Oh, ok. Thank you Sicily."

She smiled. "You are welcome dear. It is nice to have another around here regardless of the circumstances. Donny could use an acquaintance." She said wiping a single tear, nodding and leaving her to her thoughts.

The following week's nights consisted of Valora cooking in the kitchen and feeling Adonis's gaze on her. They never spoke and he remained in the shadows but he would listen to her humming. Her soft voice would sooth something within him and he would feel an internal peace that he never experienced before. One night she made a stew and surprised him by setting two bowls of it on the table, her blue eyes meeting his silver eyes. He swore under his breath for not donning his mask before seeing her that night. Then again, he had never had a reason to really wear it for he always remained in the shadows while she cooked. Licking her lips nervously she sat down and waited for him to show himself.

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