After All

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"That's the last of them." Amy's dad said as he came into the room and placed the cardboard box down on the floor. Amy smiled and looked around the room filled with boxes and let out a little happy sigh.

"How has this day come already?" her mother let out as she pulled Amy into her arms and gave her a hug.

"You're not my little girl anymore." she said while kissing the top of her daughter's head.

"She will always be your little girl." her dad laughed as he walked over and wrapped his arms around the both of them joining in their hug.

"Okay, this is so not cool." Amy said trying to push them away playfully.

"Do you have everything?" her mother asked. her eyes glistening in the light as she tried to hold back tears.

Amy nodded and rolled her eyes "You're not going to cry, are you? Because if you do then I will crying too and that's really not cool."

Her mother shook her head and quickly blinked a few times to stop her tears from falling.

"The house is going to be a little quieter without you." her dad said.

"You still have Judy." Amy replied with a smile.

"I said a little." he smiled back and let out a small sigh "You be safe and remember, we are only a few miles away, we will always come and get you whenever okay."

"Dad, I'll be fine."

"I know, but-" he paused and quickly glanced over to his wife before he continued "after what you've been through, I just worry a little more. No more secrets, okay?"

Amy nodded in agreement "I promise, no more secrets."

"Come and give your old man a hug and I'll leave the two of you to say your goodbyes." he said opening his arms and Amy slid in.

"Thank you for everything dad, I'll See you soon." Amy let out as she let go, he smiled at her and walked out of the room, leaving just her and her mother.

"I can't believe my oldest is now a college student" her mother sighed.

The room went quiet as Amy watched her mother look around the room, she could tell her mother was not ready to let her go. Her mother turned her head and gave her daughter a soft smile "Come sit." she said as she gestured her head towards the bed.

Amy sat next to her mother and watched her fumble around in her handbag.

"I have something for you." she said as she took out a small box "I want you to have this on you at all times." she smiled as handed the the box to Amy.
"Your grandmother gave it to me when I was your age and now it's your turn to have it."

Amy carefully opened the little box and smiled as she looked at the golden cross laying in the velvet bedding.

"Thank you, its beautiful." she whispered as she lifted the necklace from it's box.

There was a small pause before Amy spoke again "Do you think Isla will come back?" she rushed out in a worry, unable to hide the fact that it was always a concern in the back of her mind.

Her mother gave a gentle smile and brushed a strand of hair out of Amy's face. "I don't think so" she replied. She took a deep breath in before she spoke again "Amy, if you do experience lots of visions here, if it gets too much, please tell me."
Amy smiled and nodded "I will." she promised.

Her Mother grabbed her hand and held it tight "I hope you are really happy here." she smiled and pulled Amy in for a hug.

They said their said goodbyes and Amy watched her mother walk down the hallway, that strangely enough looked like a hospital ward. When her mother turned around corner and was out of sight Amy took a deep breath in and went back in her room. It was quiet and still, but she felt too excited to start her new life to overthink everything.

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