Jethro's Pov The dreams

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" Come on Jethro let's go!" Aw come on Jen let's not go anywhere today let's just stay home, and be alone." No Jethro we've had this planned for weeks". But Jen I say while pulling her close to me, what if we do something that's even more fun then watching some silly movie and dinner". No Jethro you promised me that you would come along and do you think that I even want to be at this dinner?" "Well is not know do ya?" I say giving her a smile. She just rolled her eyes at me and said " Leroy Jethro Gibbs you are a strange man." Yeah I know I've been told once or twice." Jen let out a laugh, that made me smile." Come on you ready to go?" To get you alone yes." "Jethro" Jen said in a warning voice." Oh alright I'll behave I say and come up behind her ( since she was standing to put on her shoes.) for now I whisper in ear." Then I came I'm front of her and looked her up and down, and gave her a light kiss on her lips." I love you Jenny." I love you too Jethro."
Gibbs then bolted up. I woke up and looked and felt for Jen but she wasn't there. Then I realized that it was all a dream. "I dream that I wish would never end." If only we were together like we were in the dream Jen." I said out loud then I laid back now, and tried to get some sleep." But I knew I wouldn't it was bad enough that Jen was already in thoughts, memories, my heart, hell even my soul." And she just had to come I to my dream I think to myself." Then I tried to think of a way to fix what happened between me am Jen. I knew I loved her I couldn't say it like I used to." But maybe when this is all over then I'll tell her in the way I've always wanted to asking her to marry me.

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