Jenny's Pov Sunrise

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"After Shannon and Kelly left, I was left alone and I thought about what Shannon said." It couldn't be true can it?" Well of course it can." I looked up as saw someone I haven't seen since '95." Daddy"? "Jenny he said while pulling me into a hug." You're not supposed to be here he said." Yeah well neither are you but here you are I say." He gave me a look. "Jenny look you have to go back." A look of hurt appeared on my face." What why?" Jenny love it's not your time yet." It wasn't your time either"! Jenny I died for my country." Yeah by taking a bribe!" Jenny you know I didn't do that." Really do I?" I don't know what to believe anymore!" Jenny think about all the people you've made a impact on." Like Jethro for say, the man loves you." I just looked at him." He's worried sick about you too." He wants you to wake up everyone does." No he doesn't he hates me daddy." What make you say that?" I left him and I hurt him by leaving." Oh jenny he forgave you the minute he saw you as director." Yeah it doesn't seem like it." Have you tried talking to him about this?" No." Well there you go that's the problem talk to him about it Jenny." I started to protest. Now don't you dare say that he won't listen to you, cause he will you just have to try." I sighed I knew he was right. "You're right daddy I have to talk to him, and tell him that I-." That you what?" Nothing." Dad just looked at me." It'll be okay Jenny the will work itself out in the end." Then he disappeared into smoke." Yeah I hope you're right I say to myself."

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