Mike's Pov

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" I went out for some fresh air, after Probie came in the room." I knew that they had some things to discuss, so I figured it would be better if I left the two of them alone." I went outside and I sat on a bench in the garden area." While I did I started to think about Probie and Jenny." I knew how Gunny felt about the Lady Director." He had told me about how they met, and fell in love." He told me that he still loved her, and that he wanted to tell her,but he didn't know to." I told him just to speak from the heart, and to keep it plain and simple." That's how I like it." After being outside for a few minutes I went back inside." And boy was I in for a surprise." I walked I to the room and there they were." Kissing each other like they were teenagers of some sort." Are y'all gonna keep on kissing each other?" Cause if so I can always come back later when y'all are done." "Uh sorry Mike." No need to apologize Gunny, I remember doing that back in my day and time." I saw Jenny give me a small smile when I said that. So how ya feeling Lady Dorector?" Gibbs looked at Jenny waiting for her to speak". I'm ok gibbs gave her a look." Ok fine I've been better and I have had better days I guess you could say." I gave her smile. "But what about you Mike are you ok?" Oh I'm fine you just had me worried that's all." Didn't know you could worry Mike Gibbs said." Haha very funny Gunny, but I can I just don't show it people can use it against you." Yeah that's true Gibbs agreed." I looked at both of them. "So does this mean y'all are together again?" And they both looked at each other and looked at me and Gibbs finally said...

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