Jenny's Pov

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"I knew that something was wrong when Mike came back into the room." Mike what's wrong?" Ah nothing is wrong." Don't lie to me Mike I know that there is something wrong. Where's Jethro?" I asked and when I did I saw Mike's face and I knew then that it wasn't good. "Mike where's Jethro I thought the two of you were talking?" "We did but something came up." Oh really Mike what came up?" Uh I don't know Probie didn't tell me that part." You are lying to me Mike I want the truth where's Jethro really at Mike?" I watched as Mike sighed and said "Gunny's gone he left." Those words hurt my heart it was liked I was being stabbed over and over and over again." " What do you mean he's gone Mike?"
We talked and he told me he couldn't stay here any longer than he thought was necessary Jenny. I'm sorry I did everything I could to make him stay."
" Well you didn't try hard enough he's gone Mike! He just left and now he'll never know I really feel about him." I told Mike starting to feel not only worried but also angry. " Well it's not like he doesn't already know." I hear Mike say under his breath. "What are you talking about now Mike?" Oh who me nothing at all." I just have him a look that would make Jethro proud. "Oh alright you little red head I'll tell ya , but not because you are giving me a look, but because I know it's the right thing to do." Probie knows how you feel for him. He knows because that's what we talked about among other things, and he decided to leave Jenny. But I know that a part of him didn't want to." "What do you mean Mike that a part of him didn't want to leave. Mike if Jethro didn't want to leave then he wouldn't have left at all. It's just that simple."
"I saw his eyes Jenny part of him wanted to leave, while the other part of him didn't." That doesn't matter anymore Mike, Jethro left on his own terms. And there was nothing you could've have done or that I could've done to stop him and make him stay." Jenny I- Mike it's ok really I'm fine, Jethro just had to do what was best for him. And I understand that but that doesn't mean that I like it." Let me ask you something Jenny how do you know understand why Gunny left?" Because it's one of the things I told him a few months ago."
A few months ago:
( Jenny's house)
"It's been along time, us together outside of the office."
"Paris if you don't count the hospitals and car chases."
" I don't." You know once upon a time I would've asked you to stay and I wouldn't have taken no for an answer."
"What happened Jethro?"
"You made a choice."
"I had to do what was best for me, still do."
Gibbs just looked at her for a moment and then walked out of her house and shut the door behind him, leaving Jenny at the door watching him leave."
(End and back to present day)
"Wait a minute so he just left?" "Yeah he did and I could've asked him to stay that night and yet I didn't do it." Oh come on down Jenny, don't start to beat yourself up about this. I'm sure everything will turn out just fine." Yeah I hope you're right Mike I say while looking out the window of the room. Praying that Jethro was ok wherever he was at the moment of time."

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