Jenny's pov

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" I can't believe e that Mike asked us if we were together or not." It's weird it's not like he's Jethro's father or anything. But Jethro speaks so highly of him, so I guess it would be a good time to tell him." Umm Mike me and Jethro aren't a couple...yet that is. There's some things we have to discuss and then we will think about becoming a couple. But right now isn't really the right time." Then when will it be the right time Lady Director?" Mike asked with anger in his voice. That's when Jethro stepped in. "Oh Mike just leave Jenny alone. And she's right now is not a good time to be together. Not when she could still be in danger." And how do we know that she is still "in danger" Gunny?" I don't know Mike then he turned and looked at me. "Jen I think it's time that you tell what happened at the diner." Jethro I don't think that now is a good time." Jenny listen to me it'll be ok I promise whatever happened that you think is bad, I promise you it's not as bad as you think." Jethro- Jenny please I need to know it's the only way to protect you. I didn't say anything and Jethro looked at me and said and to stop this. "He have the "look" that he knows that gets me every time he uses it." And I said ok fine I'll tell you. But just promise me that you won't be mad at me when I tell you." I promise I won't Jen. I looked in the eyes and saw that he was telling me the truth. I took a deep breath and though well here goes nothing. And then I started the story, silently praying that Jethro wouldn't hate me for what I was about to tell him."

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