Jenny's Pov

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"It was dark. I was in a house-but not just any house. I was in Jethro's." This doesn't make sense. Why am I here in his I wonder to myself. " Hi". I look down and I see a little girl she couldn't more than 7 years old or so." Hi". You look lost. I just stared at her. "Are you"? Yes I think I am." Come one and follow me then we can answer your questions. "We"? Yes we- me and mom the girl said while taking my hand. "Come on- let's go!" Then off we went. We came to a stop at what looks like a park. "Mom mom look who I finally found!" Then the women turned around and I felt the air leave my body. This wasn't just any woman this was Shannon and this had to be Kelly Jethro's beloved daughter. "Yes Jenny I am Shannon." I looked at her in awe and wonder of how she knew what I was thinking." And I'm Kelly." I looked down at her smiled. "Kelly why don't you go and play while I talk to Jenny." Ok mom! Bye Ms.Jenny!" I sit down next to her. Look you don't have much time Jenny. You have to tell him that you love him. I looked at her. I know you love him. I've been watching him ever since I died. And his past relationships we never good. But with you it was always different. You define him Jenny. He isn't him without you. He needs you more than he needs air. Never in all my years of knowing Jethro have I ever seen him just that much in love. He loves you Shannon more than he ever love me. Shannon just smiled and shook her head. No Jenny the way Jethro loved me is so different than the way he loves you. With you it's effortless. There's nothing that you could ever do or ever done that he hasn't forgiven you for. Jethro needs you Jenny just don't keep him waiting. Then with Shannon and Kelly both disappeared from view. Leaving me with my thoughts of Jethro.

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