Chapter 29: Letter from Siodonna

Start from the beginning

"We never betray our spouse, not even to death

Anastacius soon recalls Grand Duchess Rosaline AKA Ingrid's words which he shook his head.

"No, I don't like her. How can I like someone whom I just saw few times? This is what Claude felt when he fell madly in love with that dancer of Siodonna? So stupid" Anastacius mumbled and shook his head.

How can he like someone just at first sight?

The very next day, Imperial Palace

"I'm surprised you managed to figure out my disguises"-Diana

"I don't remember Head Maid York giving me files about a pink haired maid nor she has identical looks like my lover..."-Claude

"I couldn't just go with my alias as Diya, I needed to think logically" Diana soon said as she was in Claude's office after he figured out other disguises of Diana, like the maid named Rosa. 

Well, at least Claude wasn't in his denial like the Nile River.

Diana looks at him with her disguise as Rosa, she has her hair in the same color rose pink and light blue eyes. She wore a maid's uniform and had her hair pinned into a braid bun.

Claude stares at her which Diana gets little nervous with his stare.

"There's something wrong?"-Diana

"No, not really....I can't really picture you as maid than a dancer"-Claude

"There's always a first time like a dress up party or Halloween" Diana soon said which Claude was confused with the word 'Halloween'.

I mean he never seen Halloween before or a talking pumpkin.

"So, anyways. When Indie came back after she tortured your...sperm donor, she has a odd experience. Did you and her talk about? It's okay if you don't want to tell me I respect for your" Diana soon said which Claude shook his head and getting her attention.

"After your barbaric mother tortured my father, she went to see my mother and she told her about us" Claude soon spoke which Diana was surprised by finding out Ingrid went to meet Claude's mother.


"She didn't told her about I killed my brother and the mistakes I made...she told her that I was living happy with my new family. She was glad and she stated that she's proud of me...That made me...happy in a way" Claude said as trying to cover his relief and content what Ingrid did for him.


'Indie did that for him? Wow, she's slowly opening up to him. Even he's slowly warming up to her' Diana thought.

Despite Claude and Ingrid did have a rocky start with threats, insults and her roasting him. They are now in a level of mutual understanding and slowly opening up.

Claude is acknowledged that Ingrid is good mother to Diana and Nayeli, she possesses more knowledge and wisdom about anything along with her emotional understanding. Despite her crazy and feral persona, she's very good-hearted and selfless as doing something for others despite they didn't ask her.

As for Ingrid, despite she gaslights his mistakes and jerkass attitude, she knows he's a good ruler and one of the few people in his family that knows how to run a empire. She acknowledged that he does loves Diana and Athanasia as he's willing to do anything to protect them.

"I'm glad you're happy, Claude" Diana said as knowing Claude was happy that his mother was proud of him.

"Anyways, there was also something I wanted to discuss with you" Claude soon said which Diana looks at him in confusion and wondering what was it.

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