Chapter 16: She-Wolf Princess

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Author's pov

With Athanasia, Lucas and Nayeli~

Lucas teleported them to the library of Athanasia.

"Well, I guess that will save us the trouble of-" Lucas was suddenly off guard when Athanasia grabbed him by the collar and pulled him close to her.

"LUCAS! WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?! YOU SELL OFF MY MAMA TO MY PAPA?!?! YOU PUNK!!!" Athanasia yelled at him as shaking him violently while for Nayeli, she took out legendary weapon of domestic disciplinary and violence.

La Chancla.

"Athanasia, move away, I'm going to beat this punk with La Chancla"-Nayeli

"WHOA! CALM DOWN, WILL YOU?!!!" Lucas free himself by grabbing Athanasia's arms and pulled them down.

Lucas sighs as he looks at two girls with a disbelief expression.

"Despite you both aren't biologically related, you're definitely resemble when it comes with your temper" Lucas said in surprise as Athy and Nayeli glared at him since they weren't happy what happened.

"Lucas! Why you did that?! If Papa thinks Mama is work of Black magic or worst"-Athanasia

"He won't, Athanasia. He already knew that Lady Diana was the woman whom he fell in love"-Lucas

"What?! How?"-Athanasia

"It's probably because the way he stared at her. I noticed that lot of times and he looked like he already knew despite he denied it like the Nile River. Besides, he knew her well to know it was his lover" Nayeli explained which Lucas gave her the thumbs up for her explanation.

That was true.

Claude didn't admit it unlit Lucas told him the truth.

"That's true...Papa always been kind of a tsu- Nevermind that! If he does something to Mama, I mean I don't know what he will do on her" Athanasia soon said that piercing question which Lucas and Nayeli were off guard with that.

'Let's think clearly what he will do with Diana? Please don't tell me that he'll try to....No, by knowing he's a tsundere, he isn't that eager to bonk...Eww, maybe kissing her? That sounds something a tsundere would do and it's more of his character...But poor Diana, she doesn't know that since she's has too much self-respect and she will get flustered by Claude easily' Nayeli thought.

I mean it's her sister and she knew her well.

Also, she knew Diana did like him despite she wanted to beat him up.

"If you can hit me despite you know I am the Magician of the Black Tower, I think she will be alright"-Lucas

"That's...To be honest, I don't think Mama will hold back from hitting Papa. I mean she did mentioned she wanted to beat him up"-Athanasia

"Sounds definitely like her" Nayeli chuckles before she suddenly felt a powerful aura enough that shocked her as she fell on her knees.

"Nayeli?" Athanasia and Lucas looks at her in some surprise before they rushed towards.

"Oi, what's wrong? Why you look pale?" Lucas asked which Nayeli nervously chuckles as she turns around to him.

"Of course, you don't sense it...I mean Shamans can sense the spiritual energy..." She said which Lucas and Athanasia were confused unlit they suddenly felt the tremendous magical power that shocked them.

"Now, you sense the magical power...She must be in her wolf form and empowered by her rage...I mean werewolves are often power up by their rage" Nayeli soon said which they looked at her in pure shock as realizing what she meant by that.

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