Frostbitten Nightmares 2 (RimuruxVelzard)

Start from the beginning

After a few more hours of simple back and forth, Rimuru finally asked a question that's been bugging him since he learned his status.

"Velda do you have any idea what the fuck half my skills even do?"

"No, I haven't a clue. Give me a moment to think. While I think I'm going to go pay my respects to those who had fallen."

"I have no intention of stopping you now. Please go, I shouldn't have stopped you to begin with. I have an idea on what the skills may do but I'll wait till you return."

With a simple nod Veldanava got up and walked towards the building where the thousands of dead who were connected to Rimuru lay and the bodies of Veldanava's family and friends. Walking into the building Veldanava felt his heart drop as he saw every single body cleaned, fixed, and given beautiful spaces to be laid to rest.

'Heh. Rimuru would have a good career as a mortician.' Veldanava let out an empty chuckle as he tried to compose himself. Tears began to fall down his face as he saw his daughter and siblings. They all looked older since he'd last seen them but now he stared at their corpses. Veldanava quickly paid his respects and left a small gift for everyone.

It was a pointless gift but the meaning behind it made it priceless. It was a small dreamcatcher that he hung from the ceiling and a set of scented candles. As quickly as he entered the building he exited.

'I see why Rimuru doesn't enter that building. I guess him stopping me was also in good graces. He was aware that I would be the same as him. Certainly the way we went about our first conversation was awful but looking back I see the hidden meanings and pleas. He knew I'd enter and instantly blame myself just as he did himself. Then we both only blame ourselves and each other for everything. God I see why people asked if he was me a few times. I could almost see him as my twin brother we're so similar.'

Coming back to Rimuru Veldanava put a smile on his face quickly and sat down at the bar only to be slapped upside the head.

"Don't blame yourself Velda. We all make decisions not knowing the future and mistakes not knowing the consequences. We both failed miserably, but now we can make it better. Then after this is all done we can reprimand each other and hold the other accountable for their failures. Even gods aren't perfect."

"Hah. You're not a god yet though. But I get what you mean."

"Hey I didn't like it but I was seen as one thank you very much. I also have all the keys to your omnipotence. The 14 angelic skills I just need help from Ciel."

"I suppose you are right and in any regard. I don't see a being alive able to beat you other than me at the moment."

"I'd give you a run for your money. But you want me to become the Supreme Deity so you're freed from your job after all this is over don't think I don't know your game."

"Hey don't expose me. Not cool."

"Expose you to who? The infinite empty expanse of my imaginary space?"

"You know what I mean."

After more bickering the two finally gave their thoughts on what Rimuru's new skills may do.

"Velda I will be honest. I think most of them are related to Lovecraftian horrors. So their titles may tell a lot and the others seem self explanatory. Except a few."

"I thought the same. The virtuous lord and sinful lord left me stumped though."

"I just think they'd be all the unique level of sin or virtue skill but boosted. What about you Rimuru?"

"I think they'd be a bonus added to the use of Sin or Virtue skills. Possibly something added to it like how Micheal can manipulate angelic skill wielders but I have no clue."

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