Jacko FTE I

669 11 8


Zircon: 0   Jacko: 5   Maya: 2   Parlin: 3

Matthew P.O.V.

Jacko: The fuck...? You want to talk to me? *sigh* Fine, just don't say anything stupid, human.

You spend a lot of your time trying to start a conversation with Jacko. However, he hives out short answers.

Jacko: ...Human.

Matthew: Huh...?

Jacko: Why are you talking to me?

He places he claws on your neck menacingly.

Jacko: I could kill you right here and now...nobody would even know it was me...

Matthew: Because o-of the c-collar...? It has a m-mark, so...

Jacko: ...Fuck, you knew that? Well, looks like your stupid brain actually knows something useful.

Matthew: S-Stupid!?

He looks at you dead in the eye. You take a step back, which he chuckles at.

Jacko: Humans are notorious for being idiots. For example, your government died going on full offense. It wasn't even that much of a challenge to defeat them.

Well...that is true...hang on!

Matthew: I-I'm not-

Jacko: Save me your excuses. I know it, you know it, we both know it, we all know it. So why not just let it go, and accept that you're dumb.

You try to say something, but his hand covers your mouth. You let out muffled noises, and tried to move his hand. But you weren't strong enough.

Jacko: It's a wonder why Zircon decided to keep if. If it had been up to me, you wouldn't have...*sigh*, no. I'd scare you, and Zircon will throw a fit again.

He lets go and turn around. His gaze lands on you, and you feel helpless again.

Jacko: You must be the weakest human I ever met. Just a glance and you're cowering in fear. Well...that isn't a bad thing. At least you won't cause that much trouble...RIGHT?

Matthew: Y-Yes, I won't c-cause any trouble...!

Jacko: ...Not even run away when you have the chance? You've done it before, human.

Matthew: ...

Well, what do you say? You haven't thought about it that much.... Escaping, huh? You remember the cult...you do not want to experience that again. 

Matthew: ...I won't run.

You're undecided. But you have to play it cool for now. Jacko doesn't look that convinced though. He ponders for a moment, then leaves.

That encounter was scary. TERRIFYING. You want to curl up in a ball and cry for someone to rescue you. But that won't do anything. It never did. So just tough it out.

The Protogen's Petजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें