7. Think Lovely Thoughts

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Nobody wasted any time heading off. Tinkerbell was going to get them in and they were going to get off this island. She led the way as everyone followed, not daring to stray too far from the front.

"Do you think we'll meet up with Regina?" Sammy asked Lila.

She nodded, "If there's one thing she wants it's her son, she probably met up with Gold and they're on the same trek we are to get him."

Sam smiled happily, "I'm sorry about earlier–"

"You don't need to be, this place, being here– it's causing us all to be on edge. Once we're gone we can finally take a breath," Lila told her. "As for the name thing earlier. My full name is Leanne Lila Cassidy. I've been called Lenny, Lee, Li, Lila, Anne, it all depends on what you want."

"I like Li," Sammy smiled at her and the girl smiled back.

"I'm gonna ask Tink how close we are to Pan's compound. I don't wanna be surprised by any lost boys on patrol," David called.

"Good idea," Mary Margret agreed.

"Are you going to use magic against them?" Sammy asked Lila.

"Maybe, but my magic has been unpredictable. Pan runs this forest. At first, I thought it was my exhaustion, but it's almost like I can feel his magic blocking mine. I can get through his blockade, but it's taking more energy than it should," Lila explained. She was worried. She had a feeling that he had something to make him stronger and that it was only a matter of time before he used it.

"I've been feeling the same thing," Sammy admitted. "My magic is fighting something–"

Everyone ran forward so they did the same. Sammy still had the spear from earlier that she took and broke in half. Everyone pointed the weapons they had at the oncoming danger, but when the leaves moved it revealed Mr. Gold and Regina.

"Well, if this is your version of a rescue party, we got here just in time," Regina said, joining the group again.

"What are you two doing here?" Mary Margret asked, putting her bow down.

"Well, same as you, except we actually have a chance. Pandora's box," she gestured to the black box that Gold was holding. "It could trap Pan for eternity simply by opening the lid."

"You didn't tell me my father was with her," Neal told Emma.

"I didn't know," she answered back.

"Wait, your father is the Dark One?" Tink asked Neal. Lila was more curious about Regina's costume change. Where the hell did she get a change of clothes? Matter of fact, where did Emma get a change of clothes?

"Yeah, and he's not getting anywhere near Henry."


"Why? What are you talking about?" Emma asked him, Mr. Gold could help them and Neal was stopping them.

"There's a prophecy that says that Henry will be his undoing," Sammy answered and Lila looked at her concerned.

"He didn't come here to protect him. He came here to kill him," Neal added. His father was destined to either kill or be killed because of Henry. Everyone stepped away from him.

"That's why you didn't want to find Neal before you got Henry back? Because you knew he'd spill your secret," Regina said, looking betrayed by Gold.

"Everything I did was to protect Henry, to rescue him from Pan," Gold countered.

"It all makes sense. You left before we even made shore," Mary Margret realized, pulling an arrow back.

"You wanted to get to Henry first..." Emma said, taking out her sword.

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