𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚃𝚠𝚘

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     I couldn't believe my eyes Swiss was.... He was looking directly at me, and I can see his teeth as he was smiling at me too. Was Swiss my not so secret admirer??

     I didn't know if he was just taking a glance when the photo was being taken and I didn't see his eyes through his mask but I just knew he was. I turned away and looked at other photos trying not to think about it.

     "Rain can you pass me those chips they look soooo good!" Aurora squealed making me jump and stop thinking about the photos. "Yesss I will eat some too." I said as I walked over to them.

     He passed the chips with a small laugh and continued making his own nachos. I stole a few chips from Aurora's plate making her slap my hand lightly. "Don't touch my food you.. you chip monster!" She laughed.

      I still took the chip and ran back to my seat on the couch in a laughing mess. Swiss turned and said "What's going on? you guys are making a ruckus in there!" I just laughed again and kept munching on the chips.

      Papa spoke up in his strong accent once Aurora and Rain got back and took their seats, "Thank you for coming tonight and I had a fun time with you all, but I have just received an important call from Sister Imperator and I will have to cut this party short so I can meet her and discuss the important matters."

      There was a bunch of aw's and boo's mostly from the ghouls which made me and Aurora laugh a bit. We said our goodbyes and headed back to our place. Aurora ran up to talk to Mountain about something which left me walking behind all of them.

      I didn't mind that they walked ahead, as I had more time to listen to our newer songs with my headphones in so I can better memorize my parts for it.

      I was looking at my phone when I saw something in the corner of my eye. It was more like someone though. I looked up to see Rain giving me funny faces and when he opened his eyes after one he noticed I was watching, laughed and turned back around.

      I chuckled at his random behavior and continued listening but after the song ended it took 30 seconds to load the next song. I heard some of the conversation between Rain and Swiss so being my nosy self I listened in.

      "-Yeah I know, I cant believe she told her about it!" Rain had said while looking into the closed stores we were walking by.

      "She what? Oh no. What did she say? Did she tell her it was.." Swiss paused looking at the ghoul to get some answers. "No no! Aurora is better than that!" Rain had said in a badly hushed tone.

      I didn't know if what I was hearing was true. I had thought back to the pictures but didn't think it meant anything. I shook my head in disbelief and turned back on my music. It wasn't that normal that I would be snoopy but I didn't know if I should care all that much.

      After walking a bit I saw them stop so I rushed over to see what was happening. As I reached them I smelled something awful and saw Sodo throwing up everywhere as he had a bunch of alcohol.

     Rain was laughing a bit since he was a bit buzzed and wasn't thinking too clearly. Aurora was almost gagging at Sodo since when someone throws up around her she seems to do so too.

      I laughed at Aurora's reactions making her glare just to start gagging again. "Aurora come on lets go since you can't handle yourself" I giggled starting to pull her with me.

      "Im fi-" She started but couldn't finish her sentence as she kept gagging. After we walked a few feet I could tell she was still thinking about it since she actually started throwing up too.

      Rain saw and started roaring with laughter making him fall to the floor and accidentally got in Sodo's throw up making even himself start throwing up.


     Once we finally we reached the house, I was so happy to not be in that literal messy situation anymore. Sodo took a shower in the downstairs bathroom and Aurora in the upstairs so Rain had to wait since that was the only two bathrooms in the house.

      He gave up after five minutes and waddled to the neighbors house to use their shower. They accepted, questioning if that was the right thing to do. Rain came back after his shower smelling like an old lady since they only had body wash for the elderly ladies.

      This time we were the ones laughing but this time at him. The ghouls started drinking a bit again since it wasn't that late in the night. Aurora kept asking for us to join them which I finally gave in and started with them.

      They started becoming drunk but I was just sipping my drink and had a water to go with it. Aurora and Mountain were flirting a bunch which made me laugh a bit seeing how cute they would be as a couple.

      Swiss started talking to me and slurring his words a bit. "I uhm like your uh outfoot today" he chuckled nervously, trying to make conversation. "Thank you Swiss, you look nice tonight as well." I returned the compliment.

      He kept looking at me and making small talk which made me laugh and think how charming he was. Sodo stormed in and yanked Swiss aside to talk to him privately. I heard the whisper shouting but not what it was about.

      Rain glanced at me and started talking to me "heh heh soooooooo.." he trailed off raising his eyebrows at me, "You and lover boy huh?" He kept giving suggesting looks but I just rolled my eyes and walked up to my room laughing.

      "HEY WHERE ARE YOU GOING?" He shouted just a bit too loud. "SHUT IT OLD LADYMAN!" I yelled back laughing a bunch. Rain kept whining about something but I didn't stop since it was just a bunch of slurred words anyways.

      After closing my door I sat on my bed and after a few minutes of thinking I just flopped down and put my hands on my face. "ughhhh what am I going to do?" I grumbled to myself.

      A knock on my door interrupted my thoughts and made me sit up. "Come in!" I yelled to whoever was on the other side of my door.



word count: 1149

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