Holy crap! I know who it is.

"Jungkook," I whisper. "That's Jack Hyde."

"You think?" Jungkook asks, surprised.

"It's the line of his jaw." I point at the screen. "And the earrings and the shape of his shoulders. He's the right build, too. He must be wearing a wig - or he's cut and dyed his hair."

"Barney, are you getting this?" Jungkook puts the phone down on his desk and switches to hands-free. "You seem to have studied your ex-boss in some detail, Mrs. Jeon," he murmurs, sounding none too pleased. I scowl at him, but I'm saved by Barney.

"Yes, sir. I heard Mrs. Jeon. I'm running face recognition software on all the digitized CCTV footage right now. See where else this asshole - I'm sorry ma'am - this man has been within the organization."

I glance anxiously at Jungkook, who ignores Barney's expletive. He's studying the CCTV picture closely.

"Why would he do this?" I ask Jungkook.

He shrugs. "Revenge, perhaps. I don't know. You can't fathom why some people behave the way they do. I'm just angry that you ever worked so closely with him." Jungkook's mouth presses into a hard, thin line and his arm encircles my waist protectively.

"We have the contents of his hard drive, too, sir," Barney adds. What?

"Yes, I remember. Do you have an address for Mr. Hyde?"

Jungkook says sharply.

"Yes, sir, I do."

"Alert Welch."

"Sure will. I'm also going to scan the city CCTV and see if I can track his movements."

"Check what vehicle he owns."


"Barney can do all this?" I whisper.

Jungkook nods and gives me a smug smile.

"What was on his hard drive?" I whisper.

Jungkook's face hardens and he shakes his head. "Nothing much," he says, tight-lipped, his smile forgotten.

"Tell me."


"Was it about you, or me?"

"Me." He sighs.

"What sort of things? About your lifestyle?"

Jungkook shakes his head and puts his index finger against my lips to silence me. I scowl at him. But he narrows his eyes, and it's a clear warning that I should hold my tongue.

"It's a 2006 Camaro. I'll send the license details to Welch, too,"

Barney says excitedly from the phone.

"Good. Let me know where else that fucker has been in my building. And check this image against the one from his SIP personnel file." Jungkook gazes at me skeptically. "I want to be sure we have a match."

"Already done, sir, and Mrs. Jeon is correct. This is Jack Hyde."

I grin. See? I can be useful. Jungkook rubs his hand down my back.

"Well done, Mrs. Jeon." He smiles and his earlier rancor forgotten. To Barney he says, "Let me know when you've tracked all his movements at HQ. Also check out any other JEH property he may have had access to, and let the security teams know so they can make another sweep of all those buildings."

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