"No Geodude!" Called Brock worried for his Pokemon.

"Staryu use Hydro Pump!" Ash called.

"Quick Geodude use Dig!" Brock called.

Geodude dodged the attack and things were intense as the battle continues. Momo smiled at the two. She could feel that the two boys were evenly matched and their Pokemon were too. She saw more kids that looked like Brock as well coming out of a room and sitting in the stands cheering on their brother. Momo was surprised that Brock had so many siblings. One of the little girls came up to her and sat next to her.

"Is that your brother?" Asked the little girl.

"Yes. His name is Ash. This is his first Gym battle. He's just going to try his best today." Explained Momo.

"Cool. Brock is our brother. He takes good care of all of us. He's the best big brother ever." Said the little girl. Momo smiled at the cute little girl. She learned her name is Cindy. They watched the match together and Momo explained some of that they were doing.

"Geodude use Mud Bomb!" Called Brock.

"Staryu use Protect!" Ash called.

Staryu's protected from the attack and Ash called the finishing move. " Staryu use Hydro Pump!"

The attack hit Geodude and sending it to the wall not so far from Brock. Geodude had swirls in his eyes and Forrest who Momo learned from Cindy called after looking his brother's Pokemon, ''Geodude is unable to battle! Ash and Staryu win the first round!"

"Way to go Ash, Staryu!" Called Momo.

"Ivy!" Called Ivysaur.

"Pika!" Called Pikachu as well.

Brock looked at Momo and couldn't help but blush. She looked pretty and she was getting along with his siblings. He shook that thought away and got focused on the match.

Ash and Brock called out their last Pokemon.

"Go Dragonair!" Ash called out after returning his Staryu. He did thank his Staryu for the help and for battling so well.

"Go Onix!" Called Brock.

The two Pokemon come out and stood ready. "W-wow, that's a big Pokemon. I don't do well with them.'' Said Momo a bit nervous.

"My brother wouldn't let Onix hurt anyone. Onix is a sweet and gentle Pokemon outside of battle." Said Cindy. Brock's other siblings joined them and they agreed. They also said that Brock could help her feel safe around big Pokemon. They saw the way their brother looked at her. It was different to when he looked at Nurse Joy or Officer Jenny.
They kids liked her as well. She liked answering their questions about the battle and helped calm them down when their brother's Pokemon got hurt.

''Dragonair use Aqua Ring!" Ash called. He was trying to brace his Dragonair. Onix is Brock's ace Pokemon. He had to be careful.

"Onix use Iron Tail!" Called Brock.

"You can do it Dragonair!" Called Momo. Ivysaur and Pikachu were also calling out their own motiving words.

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