But when it came to ChiChi, Goku couldn't help but feel a sense of disbelief. How had he failed to see the warning signs all those years ago? Had she continued the charade of love until she grew bored, or would she have maintained the facade of happiness if he and you had never become involved?

It wasn't as if you both had intentionally sought each other out. The circumstances of your relationship had unfolded naturally. Yet, Goku couldn't help but question why he hadn't recognized ChiChi's instability earlier.

Deep down, he knew that something was amiss, but he had never taken decisive action. Perhaps he should have realized from the moment she reminded him of that foolish promise that her intentions weren't rooted in love, but rather in preserving her own reputation. After all, who would dare to challenge the wife of Earth's savior?

A wry chuckle escaped Goku's lips as he continued his training. It was almost comical, in a way, how everything had unfolded from the very beginning.

Goku's movements gradually came to a halt, leaving him standing still, his gaze fixed upon the expansive night sky above the crop fields.

A wave of introspection washed over him. Was he too quick to place blame solely on ChiChi? In a way, he was at fault as well. He had allowed himself to develop feelings for you despite being married and having children, all while ChiChi was present.

Closing his eyes, Goku replayed the moment when he had introduced you and ChiChi to each other. He recalled your genuine kindness and politeness towards ChiChi, your caring eyes captivating him in ways he hadn't anticipated. A smile tugged at his lips at the memory.

However, the recollection of ChiChi's skeptical expression and her immediate display of possessiveness, refusing to even shake your hand and clinging onto Goku during the introduction, dampened his spirits. It was only after bombarding you with questions and discovering your inheritance that ChiChi reluctantly accepted you as a mere acquaintance. In hindsight, Goku realized that this should have been a glaring red flag, indicative of ChiChi's materialistic tendencies.

As Goku delved deeper into his thoughts, the more his frustration grew.

He couldn't help but recall the countless instances where ChiChi had undermined both you and him. Invading your home without permission, engaging in actions that you were too kind-hearted to put a stop to, all the while belittling your worth and exploiting your willingness to help the family.

His fists clenched tightly, teeth gritted in frustration with himself. He realized that you had lost a significant amount of self-confidence since ChiChi entered your lives, yet he had failed to notice until the moment you were driven away by ChiChi's actions. The overwhelming feeling of losing you had clouded his mind, rendering him unable to think clearly until you were eventually found, over a thousand miles away, trying to rebuild your life.

The weight of his selfishness weighed heavily upon him now, a realization that struck him with full force. And to think that throughout it all, you never once blamed him. You never held him accountable for his own shortcomings. Your unwavering support and understanding were more than he deserved.

"Goku?" Your gentle voice broke through the darkness of his guilt, pulling him back to the present moment.

Goku swiftly turns to face you, attempting to offer a reassuring smile. "Hey, Y/N. Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you," he says, his voice filled with genuine concern.

You gaze up at him with a soft expression, a hint of remorse in your eyes. Your Saiyan hair is slightly disheveled from sleep, but it doesn't diminish the warmth in your touch as you cup his face gently between your palms. Your thumb brushes tenderly under his eye and across his cheek.

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