Paper Hearts || Our Incomplete Story - Part 3

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I snuggled closer basking in the warmth radiating from the person next to me. I sniffed in his fragrance, one that soothe my mind and bring calmness to me. The one that I've been craving all along.


I opened my eyes and stared at him. His hair is tousled. A scar right on his left eyebrow. I bring my finger tracing the scar. It did not taint Vegas's beauty even by a little bit. If may, I would say the scar added charms to Vegas. My index finger run down to his nose, stopped right beneath his lips and my thumb brush along his cheeks before stopping on his lips.

I gave a peck on his lips. Smiling slightly against the kiss. Vegas looks so calm in his sleep as if he's been a carefree person when his eyes were opened but I knew more than that. He's been through a lot. Growing under a father like Kan had bring Vegas nothing but despair. I carressed his cheeks and were slowly brought back to our old moments together.


Vegas : 7 yrs old
Pete : 5 yrs old

"Give me the ball. That's mine !" Little Pete were half  jumping a little to the left and a little to the right. Trying to snatch his ball from the kids that looked a little bit bulkier and taller than him.

"You want this ball ? Try and take it then !" The boy who had a buzz cut wearing a plain yellow shirt and a black pants teased Pete. He caught the ball thrown by his friend, pivoting the ball to Pete's face before hitting him right on the forehead.

Pete gritted his little teeth, clenched his tiny fists, a frown adorned his face and before he could move forward wanting to snatch the ball, the other boy pushed him down.

Pete stumbled and fell to the ground. Hands scratched with the sharp and tiny pebbles. He winces feeling his palms and knees stinging from the pain and he couldn't help but let out a stifled cried.

And those two boys did nothing except laughing and began throwing the ball on Pete. Laughing on how ridiculous Pete looked. Laughing on what seems to be funny to them.

And those laughter were stopped with a sudden scream from one of the boys. And to the others' horror he could see blood dripping down on his friend's forehead. Both of them began to panicked and looked around before they found Vegas, cradling two stones in his hands, looking at them cynically.

"I'll tell to my mother !" The boy screamed but was only replied with a smirk from Vegas.

"And before that, I can throw another stone at you and push you in the drain. It will take days before your mother could find you. Maybe you could have been eaten by the big snake in the drain too !"  Looks like his mother was right because the boys faces morphed into sheer horror and they did not wait any longer before they sped off running away while crying and calling out their mother.

And Vegas swear he would not play anywhere near the drain anymore. The image of  getting eaten by the big snake scares him. And he will not allow Nong Pete to play alone in the park too.

Vegas rolled his eyes. Stupid boys only want to show their power. He walked to Pete and helped him to stand up. Pete were still crying. Sniffing in his snot. Cheeks puffy and stained with tears.

And stupid Pete !  His father's loyal bodyguard's son. Too careless and always gets himself in trouble.

If that makes Pete stupid... What is Vegas then ? Even more stupid ? Because Vegas will always be helping Pete every time Pete lands his ass in trouble.

Vegas Pete - To Whom I Belong ✔️Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora